Why would we? Lol we've had past experiences with you. Unfortunately much like us you don't care if you get hit. It'd be a waste of time. And unlike us all you've really got is a big mouth and quite the prodigious ability to annoy the hell out of people. You don't even have a clan or family we can fight to get a response. You're the equivalent of a boring lay in bed.
Some recent off system history. I.s.s have always been a renowned war clan. Tech9 who ran a brilliant clan of off system players is gone. Time passed and the mantle of the I.s.s legacy had been taken up again in modern kaw. Big congrats to I.s.s. It appears they recently won their osw against Don Rico. It was a hard won battle I understand, but with the help of friends and allies I.s.s have successfully beaten Don Rico. Well done chumps. I mean champs.
Don't talk about things you don't have any clue about. Dude came in our clan and talked crap and hit people. If he shouldn't be hit cuz of his size then he shouldn't hit first and talk crap. Derp derp Oh and btw. I tried to help him after he was done noob raging. Offered to train him as well. That's what I do. Til I learned he was nothing but a mouth piece. And he was already under the build dropping influence of you. Hopeless case. Stop being such a drama queen and act like you fight against bullies. This is a war game. There are no bullies within the hitting mechanics. Your word means nothing on KaW
Blunder brain. You talk like your word means something ? You ran away. Came back all over forums telling everyone who you are. Talked yourself up like you are the true Villainous knight. You idiot . get a grip. You should be celebrating that your clan with all its friends managed to beat Don Rico. Well done. A big win for a great clan
Yeah, my word means more than someone who pretended to be a chick. Surprise surprise. Also I'm pretty good ️ Happy KaWing
Blunder strike for #villanousknight. That's gold. You tried so damn hard. What does that even mean? Your word means so much Loser
LOL Train him to do what? Last time I had an encounter with you guys you scout bombed me for 1 hour and ran to your clan saying you've kept me pinned all day even savage didn't do much, and both of you guys were bigger than me. Can't teach someone anything if you don't know anything cyndy.
You're clan is already about to be beaten in osw but you can't stop making things worse, Reminds me of bush...
***World war kaw incoming*** You may say "that's already happening" well it's not. Right now there are 8 "separate" osws and within a month it will be 3 or Less with atleast 10-20 more clans involved. The only is, will your clan be a Victor, a loser or even worse....uninvolved in what will go down as THE osw, this will not be replicated ever again. Start getting your ine dollar bills out, its stripping time.