This clan? Oh I was at wok and hopped here for a quick eb. Heading back to the main when I finish my walk home. So sure. Hypocritical. But not to bring my clan or owner in. Wendyms might be a bit confused as to this lb acc she reset?
You tell yourself there kid. Wait so that was to GW then? Twicc went inactive vs Ajax? I doubt it. If you have an alt in NA you should know who twicc is. Trust me. If he's quitting kaw it's not osw. Also it's Stuart shadow. Not Steven. If you're gonna do some 2nd rate cliche response at least follow up with the other sheeple. Although I'm suprised nobody has come up with something slightly more original yet like. Transcarlet or something. Yall need to get on my level. Besides really. I wouldn't need to do anything. You're not worth the time. Your own loud mouth will accomplish everything for me. I'm only a nobody to eb fairy muppets.
Then u should know me. I don't quit because of OSW, I start osw, I seek it out, I osw years on end. Cya later noob. Come back to me when u make someone cf. I'm only EBing now to become BC to fight in the big leagues. I don't plan to fight noobs like u.
by osw for years on end. do you mean hit eb clans then quit when you get stripped by a real one? I mean like. if you really wanna get into it you should know who I am, peasant. and you should know noob is the last thing I am XD. But whatever helps you sleep at night. You tell yourself that you won an argument on osw with one of the most feared osw players this game has ever seen back in my prime days before I quit. I don't really feel the need to go on, my contacts list filled with osw clan leaders, lb members and the legends such as myself does plenty of talking ^.^ enjoy your hte. Muppet. Edit: Just noticed that there 3 years. Shame. You talk tough for somebody that's missed the entire golden Era of KaW's true osw days. Let's put it this way. When you were just joining trying to figure out what an eb was I was settling down for a long slumber because of how boring and stale war had become in this game. You'll never understand the days of having to use bl to grow. or when clans actually sat on a player for weeks on end. or how many clans I single handedly tore down. cf? no m8. try being a one man empire then come and talk to me noob. muppet
If Val is anyone in this game claiming to be some great osw fighter. ScarletShadow has long been attested for a couple of things. Negative and positive. I still hold the honor of having been the strongest Hansel at my pinnacle of this game. No other spy build had come close to what I achieved XD. Fluxuated between... 2-7 overall 2-5 allies top 10 for battles. for a good solid year of this games life. Old school ig/zaft players will remember. Hell want me to get some players posting about how infamous I truly am? It's ofc only the kaw vets that'll remember XD. Thing is Idc who Val is. Looks like a scrub. Smack talks like a scrub. Acts like a scrub. Must be a duck right.
"Try to be a one man empire" Your saying that to Me? I had the most alts active in osw by one single person just 8 months ago. Moron. Idc what u have to say. You've been irrelevant 5 years, I'll be relevant for 6.
VAL you really a worm. Mud eating creature you such a winner. Val destroyed ZAFT, YAFI, NA and soon Apoc.(sarcasm)
Val everyone get stripped always says they are inactiveI tell you what build up your allies and next time we plan to strip you. I personally call you in line before we strip you . I want to share with you a very funny history of stripping in KAW. This may get few mad at me because it's a story of big alliances. A while back an LB player so big ego he thought he can't be touch. They been tracking him for a while and strip few times and keep failing. One day they got lucky and clean the LB guy. He was so butthurt he call home land security and told them the guy strip him is a terrorist. He told the Home land security the terrorist cut his power that's why they are able to clean him and toke him out of LB. Maybe one day you end up like him lmao. Not many knows this story but true story lol
Oh Val you really are dumber than a pee-on. You know those little yellow tablets in a men's urinal. Of course you do, you're that dumb your parents probably had to keep telling you they weren't lollies At least 2 things haven't changed since you ran away last time. You still spout inane crap, and you're still totally irrelevant to anyone but yourself. But as long as you enjoy it, keep posting, and keep chomping on those toilet lollies.
If you say so. What clan you in again? Exactly, I literally look at your cc daily and it's dead, your clan is a joke bro, you couldn't pin one account if you tried because the only player active self pins all day and night. It's honestly embarrassing, look all the crap you're trying to talk to ONE player. Any other clan would have me perm farmed, you don't do ANYTHING. Your a bunch of jokers.