A history of OSW

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by wrath_oG_Grave, Jan 15, 2016.

  1. I enjoy all aspects of the game from osw to EE and Ebs. What's to hate.
  2. ️️️
  3. Have to agree there
  4. I don't think anyone can compete with amount of threads that were dedicated to old BH, Ig and Zaft throughout the years. I remember it was literally an hourly thing for BH name to pop up in forums back in 2010-2012..None of those clans are the same anymore but kotfe can keep dreaming.

    Stop deleting posts that don't please apoc's egos! There's no pics or accusations in those - just good quality humor. Freedom of speech!

    Oh n mary..I wouldn't expect any less from u :)
  5. Russian you would think that. But you are wrong. Search the database and you will see. Nobody does it like Kotfe
  6. But ur one of my fav groupies now
  7. Blahblahblah

    Don't go all butthurt on me again backstreetboy
  8. Celebrating our birthday. With one foot on zaft and fury neck. And the other foot planted firmly in last right butt.

    I am not hurting at all. Scratching my head how anyone in your clan isn't embarrassed by u yet

    But not hurting at all lol
  9. Lol too bad LR denied ur walk away cf request or u could've celebrated it with 1 victory - cos we all know u'd twist it as if u won lol u rrrrrreally could use a victory cos this 'winning Zaft' for over a year now doesn't give u justice does it? Actually when was the last time kotfe actually won a war? U know, when clan surrenders, requests cf on ur highness's wall or posts forums? Ever?

    #nobodydoesitlikekotfe lolol
  10. Zaft is already dead. We are ignoring ur emails lol

    Last rights is fun. They losing like 100t a day. They will be joining you very quickly in delusional-ville
  11. But happy late birthday fury and zaft u losers

    Nobody knows or remember so we all missed it.

  12. Rrrrrrright..didn't u all discuss my lb'ish rank earlier in ur groups? Lol love the witch hunt btwwe are so dead that we are growing and u and ur 1500 plus muppets can't do crap about it. I know it bruises ur ego that u have no choice left but to go into complete denial..it's ok, it's just a game, take it as a hobby, not a tool to conceal ur rl insecurities and u'll be able to enjoy tap tap game like we do here and won't need bday threads to boos ur ego :)
  13. My ego is intact ! Trust me lol

    You need to worry about you a little more. Nightmare is fine
  14. That's the first thing you have said that I can agree with Mary
  15. My ego is more than intact!

    Def not bruised like Russian implies
  16. It's the denial speaking in u. Open ur eyes - u just cleared 10t more for me lol

    Remember when u stripped Blazey off 6t? Hahahaha
  17. No i don't remember tiny strips
  18. Hey it's on imf wall. Along with all mp strips
  19. Yea I subcontract that stuff out to other member. I can't keep track of everything. Kotfe and apoc are just way too big for the leader to be handling everything

    I know u don't understand this cuz there is only 12 of ur member doing anything. So very easy to monitor ur complete activity with one person

    Here we are in the thousands. So no I can't recall all strips. Nor do I care to. I care about only one. Well two now

    Harb. Cuz it was so sweet. And telecal. Cuz not only did we cut him in half. But I told him I was gonna do it right before I did.

    So I'll remember those for a while.

    Meanwhile during zaft war. I myself have seen a climb to the leaderboard ! Zaft and fury doing such a good job that me ( the biggest mouth in apoc ) has risen to the ally lb from nothing. I don't even ss my allies cuz in the whole year they attempt zero strip on me

    What's that about? Must be scared. Must be
  20. So u have a muppet (a leader of another apoc clan) to do those errands for u? Way to speak about a guy who funds most of ur strips and dropped quite a few lb spots because of it lol since u eb fairies are too busy worrying about ur lb ranks lol

    Yeah u got to lb as well as many others in apoc. But it's not hard when u have muppets do all the work for u - fund, keep track of all kinds, including ur 'sweet strip protection', even hit ca sometimes. If I had 1500 warriors at my disposal I sure as hell won't let my opp grow. All u do is keep yapping about how dead we are while we stripping ur members of trills and trills.. U miserably failed. End of story