A guide to a truly succesfull strip

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by the-feltching_warrior, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. If it doesn't involve me don't post it on a public forum. If your gonna be sour Cuz you got called out don't make threads. Your just another forum whore begging for attention on kaws current focal point. There are already 10 locked threads regarding the issue. You just found a way to be a part of it with out mentioning his name is all.
  2. in all honesty what happened to bom did piss me off, but when i spoke with him he was so relaxed a cool about it i just faught, bom really is a genuine cool guy he wasnt even phased. why should i care if he didnt. this is a piss take on what happened with wdgaf and personally idgaf either. was fun for me :)
  3. Making a thread about stuff =/= not caring about stuff.
  4. Exactly thank you for proving my point!! So you did talk to bom... And then made this thread. Bom went out like a bad ass. Your taking that away from him with threads like this. If bom was your friend you would have enough respect for him to ask a mod to lock this thread.
  5. Enemies become enemies when issues arise and parties cannot come to an agreement to rectify the situation.

    No daddies credit cards were used in this statement.

    An act of war or aggression is rarely, if ever forewarned.
  6. well bom didnt know i was posting this. this was my own amusment. making a tgread doesnt mean i care look at the effort i put into it lol.
  7. Luci,

    Make a thread in how to lead people on so they have feelings for u then use them to further your growth in game. You're good at this.

    I won't mention names to protect the innocent.
  8. Looking at your grammar, yes. :p
  9. Post it in your notes if you want to amuse yourself.
  10. lol co-d what the hell are you on about ?
  11. Weather bom knew or not, it doesn't change the fact that you have done it.

    And well said taxman. No one walls a target and says "hey were gonna strip you at 9pm so be online" every strip that wasn't cought could be considered cowardice apparently. Thus rendering war useless. Anyone defending the situation obviously was always too scared to hire of bom. If it was a non lb player it happend to no one would be defending said player. But Cuz its bom everyone wants to soak off his fame. Sad really.

    Congrats to WDGAF, I've warred against them more times than I can count. Its a shame they are being looked down upon for this.
  12. Sure thing Johnny!
  13. 10) Let grammer nazis correct your spelling mistakes.
  14. How can anyone take this seriously when my 8 year old cousin has better spelling and grammar than you???
  15. Noober-nazis, stop bumping this to complain about grammer. Your not even on topic thus have no reason to be posting.
  16. More people have an issue about what happened the Bomanator himself, you should take a leaf out of his book and get over it rather than make crap threads
  17. I feel like my brain just committed suicide.
  18. A guide on how to be successfully stripped:

    -Be in Black Hand for a while

    -Run home to MG during the last war

    -Surrender as a clan

    -Get in a war with Fury and immediately move your main out, leaving Skittles to be farmed in your place

    -Get nekkid *****

    -Remember that Kitty is a crazy son of a ***** and that he never forgets or forgives

    -Try and get MP back

    -Realize you dun went n ****** up, MG style