You assumed wrong, Stacy. I have carried, twice. Fetuses in the womb are unaware, it’s not my saying, it’s scientifically correct that they are unaware. Stop kidding yourself, what you say doesn’t matter, the entire scientific community believes that fetuses aren’t aware nor have they had any experience of life whatsoever. So say what you want, it’s wrong. “Consciousness requires a sophisticated network of highly interconnected components, nerve cells. Its physical substrate, the thalamo-cortical complex that provides consciousness with its highly elaborate content, begins to be in place between the 24th and 28th week of gestation. Roughly two months later synchrony of the electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythm across both cortical hemispheres signals the onset of global neuronal integration. Thus, many of the circuit elements necessary for consciousness are in place by the third trimester. By this time, preterm infants can survive outside the womb under proper medical care. And as it is so much easier to observe and interact with a preterm baby than with a fetus of the same gestational age in the womb, the fetus is often considered to be like a preterm baby, like an unborn newborn. But this notion disregards the unique uterine environment: suspended in a warm and dark cave, connected to the placenta that pumps blood, nutrients and hormones into its growing body and brain, the fetus is asleep.” Furthermore, not all babies born cry after emerging from the womb. Most do as it’s a way to get reconnected with the mother without being “overlooked”, consider it a safety mechanism that they are born with. Some babies cry after birth because they are bruised and sore from the trauma associated with childbirth. It also kick starts their lungs. Most babies will sleep for the next eight hours or so after the birth due to exhaustion from childbirth. So, don’t make inaccurate assumptions, Stacy. It makes you look very foolish. But anyways, back to the original topic, several more have come forward and said Kavanaugh was lying. Are these people lying about Kavanaugh? No, because what would they have to gain from it? Nothing. They’re just telling the truth.
Why would a baby need to be reconnected with the mother if they are unaware? And I assure you it is not the entire scientific community that believe this. Regardless, if you carried then surely you could tell you had another life inside you during your pregnancy, you dont really need a scientist to spell it out for you. Also, giving a baby in a womb a scientific name has only devalued the life of human race. So you call it what you will I carried babies in my womb, babies that they claim for you to read to and such while in the womb, why would they do this to some lifeless form of tissue? There is no way ever anyone would ever convience me that my baby was anything less while in my womb, especially that it was without life!
Stacy, life is determinate of experience. A fetus hasn’t experienced anything. I am glad you asked about talking to a fetus in a womb. “Although a newborn lacks self-awareness, the baby processes complex visual stimuli and attends to sounds and sights in its world, preferentially looking at faces. The infant’s visual acuity permits it to see only blobs, but the basic thalamo-cortical circuitry necessary to support simple visual and other conscious percepts is in place. And linguistic capacities in babies are shaped by the environment they grow up in. Exposure to maternal speech sounds in the muffled confines of the womb enables the fetus to pick up statistical regularities so that the newborn can distinguish its mother’s voice and even her language from others. A more complex behavior is imitation: if Dad sticks out his tongue and waggles it, the infant mimics his gesture by combining visual information with proprioceptive feedback from its own movements. It is therefore likely that the baby has some basic level of unreflective, present-oriented consciousness after birth.” I can’t convince anyone of anything, but the entire, yes, the entire scientific community believes fetuses are unaware.
Lol, even a plant has life yet is unaware, just to point out. However as stated above: "Exposure to maternal speech sounds in the muffled confines of the womb enables the fetus to pick up statistical regularities so that the newborn can distinguish its mother’s voice and even her language from others." How can a, as you claim, unaware lifeless fetus recognize its mothers voice? This statement alone I would say says the baby is not unaware however has limited surroundings in the womb, so hearing a mothers voice is awareness and comforts them because its familiar! And no Bella, not the entire scientific community believes babies in the womb are unaware or lifeless. Maybe a particular scientific community believes this but not the entire!
There is no “particular scientific community”, there is the scientific community. And lovely how you retracted “after birth”. They can recognize only after emerging from the womb, not before emergence as they are unaware of anything while inside the womb. They are unconscious and living off the host, or the mother, while inside the womb.
You don’t get’s the first step towards banning baby killing...things people said would never happen...those days are coming
Kavaunagh already said it’s a standard. He wouldn’t vote against. He will vote against tax payer funding and planned parenthood. It’s an elective surgery and should be treated as such. It’s unconstitutional for citizens to pay for immorality of others. Another issue to think about is all the injunctions that Trump has against his policies. Those will be deemed unconstitutional.
Injunctions passed by liberal judges in liberal states will be nullified at the Supreme Court level we knew that 2 years ago ...that’s why anything the liberals do we don’t worry about they are beaten at every turn
As I said, only in some states. People who really need abortions will likely just travel from their state to the nearest its allowed.
Absolutely agree. What these people on the left forget about is that they defended the worst serial sexual abuser.......Bill Clinton.
To even keep it in present day.....Cory Booker is an admitted sexual abuser. He is on the committee. Then you have Elizabeth Warren who is lying about heritage. She did a DNA test to show she is 10x removed Cherokee. Europeans are 8x removed when they tested. It’s so bad that the Cherokee nation won’t even accept her. It’s all double standard when comes to the dems. Fools.
Not even Cherokee... it proves she has an indigenous relative 10 generations back from either South America or North America ....but doesn’t declare tribal relation ...sadly I know this because they have been talking about it at nauseaum .....can you believe that whack job really thinks anyone wou vote for her ...I bet she gets maybe 10% in the primary ...that racist booker will get more but trump will eat him alive ....and man if salivate if Kamala Harris thinks she’s making a run at the White House ...they are so laughable ....oh and Hillary still thinks she’s going to run again lol clown car for sure with these idiots
Joe Biden probably has the best chance of beating Trump in 2020 or perhaps Tulsi Gabbard. If the democrats run a candidate like Hillary or Warren, Trump will demolish them. My prediction is Democrats retake the House in 2018, and the senate is at a 51-49 under Republican control, in 2020 the Dems have the House and the Senate, Trump will go into the 2020 election complaining about obstruction and how he can’t do anything because of the dems control. He wins the 2020 election unless Gabbard or Biden run the Democrats just block everything like the Republicans did to Obama. If a SCOTUS nomination opens in 2021 this could get messy. We will probably get a Garland - no hearing repeat. I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats to pack the court once they regain the presidency and the senate.
You are delusional. Bidden is like 75, certainly not for the young people. Gabbard is a monumental idiot that can’t rub to words together. Dems have no platform except physical assault, seems that’s all that’s going on right now. Dems are in-sighting violence and if they keep it up someone’s going to get killed. They already shot Scalese, and beat up Rand Paul. There have been others just recently hurt also. Dems are completely ran by nut jobs and the media. You will not gain anything in this midterm and you will not gain anything in 2020. There isn’t going to be a blue wave, in fact the dems will loose more seats in both house and senate. I’ll call it more of a red wave.
Biden is 2 years older than Trump. Not a big difference. Polls suggest a 11 Dem swing in the polls, enough to retake the house but not the senate. I am not a Democrat, nor a Republican I am just talking about the most likely outcomes.