Moose your first op is very true... here the ecuationerson+ideals+madness+career of personality+personal interests+manipulation=serious troubles everywhere all taking with madness is bad...but everyone is more than what he/she thinks...never understimate him/herself...the best religion is to believe in oneself and respect the other persons
If I ran a country I would ban religion. Why? It causes wars, useless members of society, and hatred.
Same I love to dive into anything science related and quantam physics is my favorite subject I try to watch and read as much as I can on it
This is an attribution error. Greed causes wars. Asshats cause wars. Religion can be used for harm or good. On its own, religion is neutral.
I will leave Christianity and all other religions out of this post. That being said, can you, after viewing that videos leave the door open in your mind to the existence of a God?
The point of that link wasn't to promote one religion over another. That's not my place to do. The point of that video was to put forth the idea that we can believe in a God and still keep our intellect in tact .
Moose I've seen that experiment on a dif video . Awsome stuff to think about. Enjoyed watching it again though.the bell experiment on information being instant , not sure if I said that correct but anyhow there was a experiment done where 2 people in dif rooms across countries connected to ekg machine and placed in dark rooms under same magnetic field. Well a light was flashed in 1 room at say 12 mins into experiment . Both ekgs on both people brains registered the flash of light though only flashed in 1 room. They registered at same exact time also. Sorry off topic moose video just made me think of that experiment and I wanted to share. But on topic religious beliefs can be used for good or evil as moose stated and it's not really the religion that defines a person but thier actions and as moose also stated the motivations are why they committed the actions not any religeon. Though won't say religeon didn't have a influence not the sole motivation. Hey think of the word history. Now say it again but different. His story . That's how I think the past comes to us in the form we see it through whoever is telling the story. And keep in mind the loser never gets to tell his story . So we are left with the watered down I want you to think this way version.
Conflict is generally caused by people with varying beliefs..... I am pretty sure you don't have to be religious to have varying beliefs..... I could be wrong though, maybe atheists are the perfect people who agree on everything and never do anything wrong?
Religion has done more good for the world then every single atheist that ever existed. I don't mean to hate on them but look at Catholic charitable groups and community service groups. Look at workcamps which thousands of young people go on because they believe in God. If anything religion is the reason there isn't constant war and the only reason why there is a standard of morales If anything religion is helping rather then hurting. A good religious person would never murder another person. It's the people who do not really believe but are angry at God and want to make his religions look bad. And honestly if people are killing people out of spite they probably are not really a part of any religion which believes in God because Christianity definitely preaches peace. Another point is that all of the problems with people fighting each other is not over religion. They are fighting because of land and other non-important things because they are spiteful people who are not religious enough. They do not fight because of religion but because of their cultural differences and racism...
Well than I guess all those terrorists aren't praising Allah and there 72 virgins... They are hating Allah cuz there's not enough virgins
I honestly stopped reading after the sentence after the first paragraph. What you call the definition of irrationality, I myself along with most call it "Faith". ~TG
Moose, I watched that video and it pretty much blew my mind. That combined with the flashing light experiment someone mentioned. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean that info travels faster than light?
I am mainly speaking of the "Christians" who are killing people in abortion clinics... I really know nothing about Islamic religion
Technically..... Well, no. But, kind of. That's a terrible answer, but I will clarify. Entangled particles indeed to exchange states faster than light. To be precice, time is no factor at all. When you interact with one entangled particle, it's partner is effected instantly, even if it's on the other side of the Galaxy, thus, something faster than light is happening. HOWEVER..... (There is always a however) we cannot use entanglement to pass along information faster than light, so, regrettably, we can't use entanglement to make time machines or operate the Mars rovers woth zero time delay. Einsteinium "nothing can travel faster than light" rule is more accurately stated by Saying "no matter or information can travel faster than light" and that more precice definition still holds