A General Rant On Religion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 666AntiChrist666, Oct 7, 2015.

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  1. Ugh this again. You do not need religion to have morals.
  2. ^^ yes you do, the hell mate.
  3. Thats what the big red dude with horns wants you to believe, you need religion for everything man.
  4. I wish I had a troll who was at least mediocre on this thread.
  5. Serious, bra. You. Need. Religion. Thats why America is great. We believe in god and do like everything under his name. Just look at the dollar  "in god we trust"
  6. "You don't need religion to have morals"

    Depends on who's morals. Even the Apostle Paul, before conversion on the Damascus road, was a "moral" person. Moral people even watch over the stoning of Christians.

    What Saul, who is now Paul, was missing, was Christ.

    “If anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh, I more so:
    circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee;
    concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
    But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.”
  7. What are morals without a standard, and how can you say someone who doesn't have what you call "morals" is wrong...

    Born-live-procreate-die does not govern how a person chooses to conduct their life.

    You might not agree with those atrocities, but how can you tell anyone they are "wrong" if their morals allowed them to do it?
  8. Hmm guess the the title says all ( I disagree btw)
  9. Wow. I have morals such as: Everyone should be treated fairly and equally. However Pedophiles, rapists, murderers and terrorists should be treated harshly. 2 of my beliefs.
  10. I don't believe in any of this god crap either but if someone wants to believe in it that's their choice not up to you, me or any one.
  11. Your morals can govern how you live your life and that's admirable. How do your personal morals get to dictate how others lead their lives?
  12. I'm a die hard proud born and raised American but I don't believe in god or a higher power. I believe in a more advanced power but nothing of a "holy belief" more just a scientific view
  13. They can. However I am expressing my views towards religion and nobody can force me to stop believing that religion is simply absurd.
  14. Hmmm. I do not dictate. I share my views.
  15. Don't yah just love how they twist your words to make you sound like the bad guy
  16. Many people have those same worldly morals. But Christians are not of this world, we were bought at a price, that cost Jesus's life.

    Jesus commands:

    “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
    “that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.”

    You can call that whatever you like, but for us believers, we stand by our King, not world standards.
  17. Its great to have opinions don't be a sheep your name is a bit hypocritical though.
  18. I'll let this thread run, because even though I disagree with the OP, the presentation isn't disrespectful. This will, however get locked if it degenerates into a flame war.

    Now, my commentary......
    I have no problem with religion, Christian or otherwise. I have no problem with guns either. I also don't have a problem with science or alcohol.

    All of the items on that list, as well as many other items I could list are just things which are, in their own neutral.

    Guns don't kill people. It's the person pulling the trigger who is responsible. Using a gun to kill a deer and feed your family is a good thing. Using a gun to kill your neighbor and take his wallet is terrible. The gun isn't the issue. The person is the issue.

    Science is also neither good nor bad, but is just a thing. People who use science to cure things like cancer and AIDS are doing wonderful work. People who use science to create acts of terror are being terrible. Again, the issue is with the person not the science.

    How about alcohol? If it's used in moderation, it's a good thing. A tall glass of moose head beer is wonderful during an NFL game. But, people who drink to excess and drive a car are being terrible. The alcohol isn't the problem. The person is the problem.

    So, let's talk about religion. You've singled out Christians and Jews, but I will take a broader approach and speak to all religions as a single entity for this post. Religion is neither good nor bad. It's the person you should be ranting about. Not religion. If a person uses religion to lift him/herself up, and to lift up others, then that's wonderful. If a person is using religion to terrorize others or hold the, down, then that's terrible. The problem however, isn't the religion, it's the person. (Just like every other example I've cited).

    Blaming religion for many of the worlds problems is an attribution error. The source of the worlds problems are terrible people.

    Now, if you're curious as to how I can believe in a universe with a God, I'll drop a nice science link for you that lays out good reason to Jane a theistic view of the universe. Click on it if you're curious, but be warned, it moves fast and treats you like an adult.

  19. Jesus Christ died a Jew. He didn't ask for a religion to be founded.
  20. I can't wait for all the religious monuments to be taken down in America. Then we can get "under God" back out of the pledge and "in God we trust" back off of our money. This country was never intended to be a theocracy or put one religion over another as it is clearly stated in the constitution.
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