Hmmm. Why haven't you defended the 'word of God'? You have merely repeated yourself without defending key elements of your (I'm assuming) scripture. Are people made from Dust? Can immaculate conception happen? And did that wizard really come from the moon?
Hmmm do you think platos was real? Do you accept his writings as authentic? Did you know that only a couple manuscripts of his writings were found? Bible manuscripts. Hundreds of them exist...all dated from as early as 100 AD to as late as 900AD. These were all hand copied and fewer than 1% discrepancies between them. Given that the hand copiers felt a need to be precise in copying manuscripts - you have to b kidding me if you think ppl altered documents. Also the practice of copying manuscripts precisely was a Jewish pravtice - hmmm didn't Christianity branch off Judaism. Why would ppl break off a practice and then reestablish that practice? Also the fact that there are so manuscripts available reveals that churches were in the habit of copying manuscripts every since the church was established.
I'm sorry but you have completely ignored my questions. Try again. Do you believe people are made from dust? Do you believe in immaculate conception? Do you believe in resurrection? Do you believe that the Universe was created in 6 days? To answer your questions: You mean the Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato? He founded the Academy of Athens that is a fact and historical sources verify his existence.
I repeated my previous rebuttals because you are repeating your arguments. I had also said in my previous rebuttal that I am a theistic evolutionist and also rebutted your claim of cherry picking. You can find it on page 22. So for a short answer, no, I do not believe we are made of dust.
Please No belief system lacking a deity can lay down a argument for the creation of the universe. Because either there was a beginning point or there was never a beginning point - meaning that you have a series of inifibye minute events. Logically speaking you can't have a series of infinite events There had to b a beginning. If there was a beginning and there had to b a moment b4 the beginning - when there was nothing. We all know that something cannot result from nothing. Unless there was a preexistent infinite being - who has been referred to as a first mover, the one who created the dominos and then set them into motion You argue for atheism or agnosticism but really your views are untenable as well If you think religion made this world crappy. Communism as a worldview which rejects God has been worse. Personally, It's not the religious ppl or non-religious ppl that made this world crappy. It's ppl - ppl have an innate ability to hurt other ppl
So you don't believe in what scripture tells you????? Blasphemy!!!! The Bible is accepted as 'Gods word' as your god is omniscient and omnipresent and omnipotent. So you would disagree with your gods word?
If there is a God and if he is all powerful - meaning he can do anything If such a being did exist - can that being do things like part the seas and make humans from dirt? Umm...yeah.
You sir are a genius. You have answered the question of whether or not God exists. Oh wait no you didn't. You now say *if* there is a God. Are you doubting your faith? 0.o
Multiverse theory Looked into it - bunch of nerds who using msrvel comics as a basis for this theory If you actually believe this theory... No comment
No the bible is literal. It is Gods commands. Has he used his magic to change it? Nope. It says that humans are made from dust dirt etc.
Sigh you don't understand I was using rhetoric when I said if - I was using if to accommodate your non belief
So pretty much you take a page out of the most fundamentalist Christians play book and you are only willing to take that on. Someone comes around who is a theistic evolutionist and you become as rational as the people who are ranting about.