A General Rant On Religion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 666AntiChrist666, Oct 7, 2015.

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  1. I never knew fiction was real? 

    So Corinthians

    All these massive cities that are still in history, are fake?

  2. These equations are flawed.

    Love is not needed for the reproduction equation.

    A moon is not needed for the solar system equation.

    1 alien - 4 aliens is impossible without proving first that there are multiple universes.
  3. Was obvious troll not obvious?
  4. Oh it was obvious.

    I just trolled you by taking that nonsense seriously
  5. Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Trolltastical
  6. The biggest shame of this thread is twofold.

    1 You clearly have no respect for others beliefs.
    We all should have the freedom to believe in what we like.
    If I believe Marvin the Martian is a god and worship him. That is my right.

    2 and more important.
    You have yourself a name designed to offend certain religious beliefs.
    You designed a thread ( a very limited snapshot of a thread about the most controversial issue on the planet ) purely to antagonise and flame those with religious beliefs. You clearly have no intention of entertaining people's right to believe. You aren't here for an open discussion on the benefit of religion or the advancement of society over the last 2000 years.
    So where does this thread go?
    Keep fanning the flames ?

    I think I shall just say. Religion was used to keep the masses heading along a morally righteous path
    At least for many.
    It was a way to control an ignorant people in unenlightened times.
    It still for better or worse serves as a baseline for societies versions or moral and ethical practice.
    Obviously there are huge differences of opinion.
    But most at their base pure form are not overly offensive.
    Most are abused and twisted by people to serve their own selfish desires.
    That is not the fault of religion. That is the fault of man.
    2000 year old fairy tale or not. It was an appropriate way to set a moral path for the masses.
    And if people today find comfort in true forms of religion and practice peacefully. Then what harm is there?
    It is only those who follow extremist views or that serve no religion other than them self that corrupt religion.
  7. I think the world would be better off without religion.

    However I also think that the problem that religion "causes" are not entirely religion's fault. It is people's fault. People invented religion. It can be a tool for good or evil.

    I think the problem is simply stupid people and ignorance. Ignorance to big issues really ticks me off in people, especially if they have a strong stance on it.

    If a Christian is strongly against evolution but does not understand evolution, then that's horrible. They're screwing everyone else over because of their own stupidity. If you're going to take a strong stance on something, then at least take the time to thoroughly understand the arguments behind each side.

    Of course, they were told by religion that evolution is false. However, it was their own ignorance that caused them to ignore logic and facts, in place for faith in their religious leaders.
  8. Captain America is fiction?
    So America is fake?

  9. People have a right to religion but they should not have the right to be illogical and spread that misinformation to their children, or try to force science teachers to teach mythology. Science class is not for mythology. It's for science.

    Similarly, people should not have the right to discriminate against minorities simply because their holy book says so. That's against the majority of national constitutions.
  10. Religion cannot be proved to be false. You can't prove a negative. It's like proving that the evil Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist.

    Religion will just keep changing its stance, playing the "what made this?" And the "why?" game. This has happened many times since the Scientific Revolution. The "God made the Big Bang" argument is probably what they're going to stick with forever because you can't really extrapolate data from before that time.

    This will just keep occurring,.. Despite the fact that they've been proven wrong on various things (heliocentrism, the age of humanity and the earth, the cause of insanity, etc.) throughout history, and will continue to be proven wrong for ages to come, because it is not science-based.
  11. You missed the point entirely.
    Belief in aliens is a belief in the mathematical probability (look up the concept of infinity, and, for fun, the "Drake Equation") of the existence of alien life, which is, and will be, testable. This similar to a scientific hypothesis. For example: I believe there must be an invisible force that draws this apple to the ground instead of up. It is testable based on observation and math, and not on faith.

    That is irrevocably different from religion, which is supported solely by faith. Until an objective testable hypothesis for religions can be proposed, faith is the only factor on which the belief rests.

    Thus a belief in aliens is not a "faith based belief" as is the belief in religion.
  12. As an addendum, I am discussing the general belief in alien life, not your neighbor who wears tinfoil hats because he thinks green men from mars are trying to steal his recipe for cupcakes.
  13. Rubbish

    Christianity contributions
    - education system
    - printing press
    - study of genetic attributed to a monk
    - even though many so called Christians (btw being a Christian because it is a social norm doesn't make one a Christian) fought to maintain slavery; Christians who took the bible seriously were responsible for ending slavery
    - many doctors who were helping bring Ebola crisis to an end in Africa were Christians

    I'm pretty sure every mass shooter in the USA were atheistic in their beliefs.
  14. Remember Oregon.

    End of session.
  15. They are real of course. The bible itself is not a history book however. It remodeled events and people (depending on the bible; Orthodox, Catholic etc) to further the agenda of early church leaders, be that for personal gain or the faiths gain. The bible is largely fiction. People made from dust. The Universe being created in 6 days and god having a kip on the seventh. Immaculate conception, Conception requires a hymen breaking through intercourse (generally speaking)
    Try and defend these 'facts' the bible would have you believe.
  16. No wishing to offend ppl - I won't talk about specific religions but all but one are full of inconsistencies

    Christianity is not full of inconsistencies

    Jesus dies for his enemies and then calls his followers to follow his steps and love your enemies, Is it possible for someone to call themselves a Christian and not follow Jesus? Yes but would Jesus say that such a person is following him - prob not. It's like me saying I'm a pacifist but I get in a brawl every day. I can call myself a pacifist but I'm pretty sure no one will believe me.
  17. Your last point made me die inside. Really?
    So doctors containing Ebola happen to be part of the worlds largest religion. Is anyone surprised?
    Education system? There have been 'education' systems since language itself was mastered. Also early Christian Education systems were heavily flawed and just straight up wrong.

    Christians ended slavery? Alone? Did you know them personally or are you assuming. Many Christians and actually preachers etc were slave owners.
    Without Christians the printing press would mist likely have been invented.

    Good for that monk. He embraces that genetics are a thing and are not indeed 'dust' particles.
  18. Sorry to burst your bubble but the Qu'ran is essentially the Bible but is continued with another line of prophets the last being Mohammed (Praise unto him)
  19. As I said in my original rebuttal to you, the bible has many genre's of literature in it and some of it IS historical narrative. Chronicles, Kings, etc. You pick a few parts of the bible that is a small fraction of the whole and call it a work of fiction. Your view is far to narrow. You read like you have an ax to grind and aren't really interested in open, honest conversation about something you don't know a lot about.

    You bring up things that are particular theological topics, such as the creation narrative without considering the cultures, reasons for its writing and the few thousand years separating us and them.
  20. Also Christianity is ridden with inconsistencies. Your reasoning for it not be is: Jesus died to save 'us' so we follow him and his teaching.

    What did his death achieve? A martyrdom. (Ever watched 'Life Of Brian'? The crucifixion of Christ reminds me of the scene of Brian's forced martyrdom.) How did his death save you? It makes absolutely no sense.
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