No, the EU is not one nation but it has been one economical unit. Additionally, I would question Canada, Australia and especially New Zaeland as world powers.
Either the OP phrased 'western nations' badly or he made a weirdly limited choice. Idk. The point still stands.
The point stands as what? The U.S. is the most religious Western world power that consists of a division of two? Sure, I can agree with that point. However, I believe op was exageraing the point for emphasis.
Reductio EU isn't all one currency that's the euro zone , not all eu members have chosen to join the euro zone nor are all have met the requirements . As for western powers Canada Sweden Norway Australia New Zealand all world powers not superpowers but certainly world powers you could also include places such as Israel and Japan as " western" powers. It depends on the criteria you'd use.
This can get muttled down in semantics really quickly and I would prefer we not go there. I have seen world power used as a synonym for super power and then would use mighty power to describe lesser but still significant powers because though they aren't so significant on the world stage, they do have significant influence on their neighbors. No matter what terminology used, even you recognize that there is a difference in significance. The EU may not be one entire currency. That's fine. Perhaps you know more on this subject than I do. However, whatever part of the EU that DOES have the same currency is apparently enough to have the most powerful economies in the world. It may be that isn't so much the case but in any case, there are two world/super powers. Is Japan a western power? I wonder how Japan would see that?
I believe in alien life. Not the flying saucer kind. I mean life such as plants or animals. I believe that Mars definitely harboured life before it was reduced to the 'Red Planet' However that is an issue for another thread.
I just want to say thank you all for tolerating my poorly structured arguments and developing it into a 'thriving' thread with surprisingly few trolls. Next time I make a thread I will be sure make it as structured and researched as possible. Thank you all for contributing.
@tha Don: I created a rebuttal post to op's original post, which briefly had to do with world powers, which turned into a little side discussion. You only have to read from page 22 to see how it connects.
I'm gonna have to disagree with the person that disagreed that New Zealand isn't a world power. It has lots of hobbits, dwarves and riders of Rohan. Millions of weapons grade sheep and the All Blacks. 'Nuff said
I asked my question to demonstrate your faith. We've yet to discover or create any concrete proof that life exist anywhere but earth. You believe there is though. We've yet to discover or create any concrete proof that a higher power exist anywhere in this demension or another. Religious groups believe there is though. Anything is possible until it is proven impossible beyond a reasonable doubt, and I believe you have just as much faith in the possible as these religious groups.
That is an interesting thought experiment. How could either of these be proven? Life on other planets could be proven by exploration of other worlds. Currently we are highly limited by technology to travel to the various planets. Of course, if the universe is infinite, it is almost a mathematical certainty that we would find life sooner or later. But, currently, we aren't able to do the type of exploration required to prove this point. Thus, life on other planets is possible and provable, and we know how we could prove it, but currently cannot. For religion, what are the possible methods of proof? How could these hypotheses be proven? Are these things detectable by science? What type of technology would be theorized as required? Religion is currently possible, but we have no ability to even determine how we could find proof. It is apparent that the two are different with regards to belief. Belief on alien life is based on the mathematical probability, and the possibility of proof through known means, while belief in religions are based purely on faith, possibly with a hope that someday we may determine a method of testing it for proof. As such, a belief in alien life somewhere in the universe, and a belief in a deity of some sort here, are irrevocably different.
Unless there is an equation that demonstrates at least 99%(should be 100% but im generous) probability of extraterrestrial life, it is a faith based belief.
This has been interestingly scientific. However, since a dog can't really put much of an input..... Dis iz sciance. 1 daddy 1 Mommy x Loving each other = Kidz 1 planet 1 moon sun = Solore Syztem 1 alien - 4 aliens = aliens
Our entire lives are faith based. Look at our paper money. We assign it value because we have faith that the government will make it good. Really, money is just worthless paper, but our faith in the system gives it power. How many people read and believe what Stephen Hawking writes? I, for one, subscribe to many of his ideas, but my acceptance of many (not all) of Hawkings teachings are faith based because I cannot wade through the mathematics. These things are necessary. One person cannot be an expert on everything in life, so, we place our faith where we see fit. I have no problem with people who profess a faith in God. It's very possible, (as I've demonstrated earlier in this thread) to be highly educated and still do so. I also have no problem with people who choose not to place their faith in any kind of God. Those people too can be very well educated, but make no mistake, no matter where you fall in this issue, we all lead faith based lives of one sort or another
True. I agree 100% on that. How to prove religion? Well, for starters when someone says 'I'm the son of God returned' it would probably be a good idea to atleast consider it, not lock them in a nuthouse. She/he isn't going to write in fire in the sky
Great point. Even if someone started busting out the equations I've asked to see, I never made it past 10th grade math, so I would be forced to iether believe or disbelieve based on my faith in that person and most likely google.
1 daddy + 1 mommy x loving each other = Kidz 1 planet + 1 moon + 1 sun = Solore Syztem 1 alien - 4 aliens = aliens Dat iz equazen of sciance