A Firearm Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Good one CHEESE. I expected better...
  2. I find myself compelled to form an adversarial alliance with you against the commies. I'm feeling strangely supportive of you and your intellect. I feel like I should be puking my guts out right now.

    I'm trying really hard not to have a broment right now...
  3. I'll buy any gun that shoots wet Noodehls
  4. I already vomited twice. Let it out you will feel better.
  5. I'm gonna farm my way through it
  6. That's a joke. Thanks for the laugh.

    Oh no...I feel it coming *pukes*
  7. Something people are more passionate about: people saying consoles are better than pcs
  8. I'm a 1911 guy personally but don't discriminate when it comes to handguns. I'm on the ar side of the ar/ak debate. And i make my own tannerite.
  9. Slingshots beat all guns tbh
  10. Corsair.. There are some that offers a decent hybrid..

    Example.. One of my favourites are Robinson Arms' XCR series.. Pretty hardcore gas-piston (AK) style rifles with major major flexibility.. Check out their whole XCR-L (std, mini, micro and pistol series)..

    Up here in the mountains.. This one is a great hybrid
  11. Owning both I'll take the AK side of the debate️️not to say the AR isn't a reliable,badass weapon I'm just partial to my AKs. 1911 hands down my favorite semi-auto handgun. I agree on the blockiness of the Glock but can be modified to suit as earlier mentioned. Favorite guns to have at hand as a go to for all around fun are my Ruger 10/22 . Fun for target and varmint shooting or what ever else comes along . Though I do like my Taurus Judge as play thing and as home defense. Carry gun of choice my trust S
  12. The xd and Glock both have a terrible trigger. I like feel of a Glock better but xd is a good gun.
    Walther and hk both make a fantastic 9mm with a good trigger. Hk would be my choice for non 1911 45.
  13. Get a katana. A gun can't do this.

  14. WHat gun would you guys use in the purge? If i was in the purge id use a pistol and stay in my house and defend all my toys hehe
  15. So much pbr. :(
  16. Ok ok.. Now that real hardcore gun enthusiasts have congregated around this thread..

    Time to play.. Guess the gun! Contest!..


  17. After a break in period with any of my glocks. The first thing they get is a new set of sights and a trigger job.
  18. I work as a parole officer for Correctional Services. Im trained with the Beretta 9 mm and Glock 17. I prefer the Glock. Much better gun to handle and not so heavy. My current issued fire-arm is a Glock
  19. @ashes.

    That's a double barrel shot gun.
  20. Pretty much any gun that is loaded.