A fierce opponent.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Hades, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. Be nice and she might stop idk I don't see as how she's hurting you though would be all fails so not farming.
  2. Pretty sure if you did it looks like she'd bash you into the ground :lol:
  3. Again, my words are sincere. All you have to do is compare her stats to mine, and you can figure out why I don't need a cf.
  4. "I could care less" pretty good insult if you ask me
  5. I get ya like I said must be all fails.
  6. Well anyway going back to the actual point of the thread, did Roni fail all attempts? ;)
  7. Even with the fails, it still chews up part of my available troops. Hense, why I don't need a cf.
  8. I got plenty of wins on you so that proves stats dont mean a thing.You dropped build from 198/198 army to 166/172 army and from 30/30 spys to 30/38 spys so you got towers . if my stats were so useless you would have stayed on the same corse and build.
  9. No, she does not fail all attempts.
  10. You cryed to my owner 2 days running .So he would come to me and ask me to stop. if you dont need a c.f why cry and report back to Krakkerz.?
  11. You are right. I just replied saying your hits were not all fails. You have had plenty of successful hits. I never said your stats were useless.
  12. If you don't want a cf why create a whole thread about how you don't want a cf :lol:
  13. No but you was acting as though i am only a tiny account. Theres a reason why i am small and thats cause i spent most my time in osws. So do drop the high n mighty tone.
  14. But thankyou for the thread.And truce
  15. I created a whole thread because I am genuinely impressed with her skill. Compare our stats. I have more troops than she does. That is why I do not need a cf.

    I am not bashing Roni. I complimented her skills. She has had a lot of successful hits.
  16. This is a war game. You earned my genuine respect for your perseverance on hitting me. I am not mocking your size. I admitted in a public forum that you had quite a few successful hits on me. I am not acting high and mighty. I am showing respect where it is due. I have never farmed anyone, yet have learned a few things about how to do it, by watching you hit me.
  17. This is honest to God, pathetic. Strip away the top layer and this is a cry baby, begging for a c.f. from a much smaller account.

    If you never meant it as such then making the thread in the first place was a mistake as all you do is feed the ego of the person bullying you.

    nice work by Ronald though. your an annoying lunatic that needs to get out more but an impressive c.f. nonetheless. MY turn next?
  18. May the farming be with you
  19. Thanks for the insults 

    The more you upgrade your stats, the more troops and spies you earn. BC players have a lot more than my smaller account has. So, if I ran full bars on them, they would still have available troops and spies left to hit me back, or hit an eb. They wouldn't have to ask for a cf from me.

    My thread may be pathetic to you. That's cool. Doesn't hurt my feelings any. I was impressed, and told Roni that. Not everyone who makes a thread about some one else has to be a jerk.


    Lock it up please. I made my point.
  20. Why are people's standards of threads so high??? What is a good thread to you?
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