Re: A Basic Build Guide What about an newbie war build guide?? Can add turtle build and stuff in it. Support
Re: A Basic Build Guide Wc osfs were also hit until they quit as many times as they want. Very rarely did they put a limit on hits. A famous osf still around today is York. They used the space bar trick(Not able to do anymore) to sell one pot at a time just by pressing spacebar.(only on computer). So they would sell one potion at a time and lose the amount of the potion at a time, often staying open for 30minutes- an hour at a time.
Re: A Basic Build Guide Huehuehuehue I can usually poke holes in a thread but this is pretty flawless... Which is why I haven't posted until now
Re: A Basic Build Guide I will be putting an EB build guide and a War build guide up soon. War first, of course.
Re: A Basic Build Guide Smilez the common knowledge is a hybrid as a mixed build. Deal with it, or show me proof of someone besides yourself saying Hybrid is NOW a spy build.
Re: A Basic Build Guide The one you guys are talking about is in the KaW handbook. And I was gunna ask for it to be stickied after I edited it, but it's okay this way.