A Dummies Guide to Builds

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxTIl-__KING__-IITxX, Jan 31, 2013.

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  1. No, this is pretty much the easiest structured version. If you want help understanding, feel free to tell me what I could expand/explain better for you.
  2. I have noticed that guilds have lost income by quiet abit making them less then what T5 and T6 builds are but this is my oppion but never the less they still good for warring!!
  3. my build is the best **** the rest
  4. What's the best build for warring? I'm thinking of converting for a war build
  5. Shadow Hansel best build now. not covered by this guide yet.
  6. ^^^This is what I'm talking about btw
  7. ... Why, just why...
  8. Do not call us new guys noob pls
  9. Never called you a noob, pewds, so idk where you got that I did from.
  10. Awesome Guide thank you :)
  11. I have built summoning circle, forges,guilds and sub factories.what build would i been known as.my soldiers are a little more than my spies.please help as im confused.
  12. So a hybrid build would be best build?
  13. Depends on how you play. There is no true best build.
  14. What build are you mango your honored?
  15. Mango is a hansel. (Less then 25% of stats being attack stats

    I'm a hybird. ( mix of both attack and spy stats above 25% of each)

    In my honest opinion, pick which one, will sort your ideal on how you'd play the game and adapt it to your play style. The more you learn, the more you may realise what type you want.
  16. Mods please /lock, thank you.
  17. what about building ice trees on hf? is it worth it if a hansel?
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