A dissertation on my existential crisis regarding milkshakes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Deadly-, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. Um I don't want to mention the embarrassment of that loss of AD3D so none whatsoever
  2. It's fun to do that, put one in one clan and the second in the other. Mingle for a while then complain your being farmer by the other, cause an OSW, then sneak both alts out and enjoy the show.
  3. Lemme just say this, I don't know you. But you annoy me.

    Anyone else get that feeling?
  4. He has that effect on lot of people. Lol
  5. It's a miracle and a curse mostly the second one
  6. Lol. I like this thread.
  7. I was thinking of something like that Val. Only I was going to sell info to each sides for 1bil a pop.
  8. Oh, I'm gonna love you guys. Good thing I'll run it like an actual clan and have a council...
  9. Good idea Jesus I should use my alts for stuff like this
  10. Uh oh. Deni has a council.

    **** just got serious
  11. Lol Deni always takes this **** serious
  13. Sorry Deni I'd probably help you if you hadn't stolen his milkshake.
  14. Spilly...he stole mine first! I made the milkshake.
  15. Whatever you do,

    If you come across a guy named...
    Va...Val...Val... Valapoo. Accept him on your council. He is a trustworthy guy. You can share your deepest darkest secrets with him. Everyone your secret about that thing with the thing...
  16. Sign me up to fight with Deni!
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