A dissertation on my existential crisis regarding milkshakes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Deadly-, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. :lol: #oli2pro
  2. Oil. We got them. Start saving funds as will I
  3. Deadly has got his bunch of big D Members all the white fluid…bet he his peeing his pants in excitement :roll: gonna have himself a white fluid milkshake :)
  4. Jenni, would like a cookie?
  5. Only if u made it <3
  6. Yay *gives you chocolate cookie* yay want more?
  7. You want to taste my milkshake baby? Ughhhhh taste that white milkshake all in your mouth... Suck it, suck it... Yeaaaa...

    Suck the straw a little harder, the strawberry milkshake is quite thick, so it's hard to suck up through the straw
  8. I hate when the strawberries get stuck in teh straw. :shock:
  9. I'm easily impressionable......
  10. So does that mean can I impress you then you give me cookies babes?
  11. That was towards val...
  12. lol sole worm is deadlys alt :roll:
  13. You weren't talking to me? :cry: :cry: :cry:
  14. Lmao white fluids on her mouth
  15. Glad you got the joke.

    46... Pages later...
  16.  but I just read it now
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