A dissertation on my existential crisis regarding milkshakes

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Deadly-, Apr 4, 2013.

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  1. I refuse to put that, if you request it, I'm going to start a third side, that will set large numbers of Buddhist monks on fire in protest of the war.
  2. Jesus= deadly's moral support
  3. Superman, there is also that lovely legion thing that I didn't agree upon.

    I'm sure he won't deduct points if its not that, perhaps you'd prefer #TeamLovely?
  4. Sign me up deni!
  5. I will fight with you deadly.
  6. I already joined your team, isn't that enough?
  7. Yes, you were asking though. So I answered lol
  8. Arby, stop posting A8. It's not even currently open.
  9. I haven't posted that in forever,I just remember meeting u there:3

  10. If I had known you would answer, I wouldn't have asked. QUIT BEING SO CONSIDERATE.
  11. ...quit*

    And my apologies.
  12. Balto, you're off. you're causing more pain than you are worth.
  13. Deadly you're ganna regret that.....

    Balto is the Reincarnation of He Who Shall Not Be Named
  14. #Teamdeadlyftw
  15. He should go to deni's then
  16. You'd want all your buildings,Lands,Allues,EB Items obliterated?

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