A Declaration of MORE War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Archados, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. Rox--

    Grow. Get something to risk, and ill 1v1 you on a small account.
  2. Foxy,

    You can talk all you want on this thread. No one cares, because the results are in, and what do you know? No inc from ADHD in over 48 hours. I don't even have a link to your clan in my news feed anymore. I got some news for you: hunkering down and waiting for the eating to stop doesn't count as fighting.

    As for you personally, I don't remember I last saw your name in cc for an incoming. Lets face it, your bark is worse than your bite. I know you are going to come up with some smart little insult, and frankly, I look forward to it. It Just goes to show how butthurt you are.

    It's ok though foxy, where would the world be without talkers like you? One thing is for sure, we would be a lot less entertained.

     Pure Evil 
  3. Lol gret idea PE. Gl to the poor clan that they ambush 
  4. Beating*
  5. If she is no threat y is she a target??
  6. I remember zaft an IG doing something very similar to this.

    Anyone remember the iG lottery, or whack first ask later?  good times.
  7. Wack first then talk.
  8. ColonelLeblanc is mine 
  9. Thatta boy!!!!!
  10. Love your title Wolf
  11. Arkst u have yet to pay rent little buddy
  12. Here ya go

    Now go buy yourself something pretty ;)
  13. Wolf alls I've had from you is failed incoming. (but as any decent player would know fails still count on pure spy's because its burning spy's)
    A lesson for your dumb arse wolf - you can pin a pure spy on failed hits.

    Now wibutos, duoduo, sugarbabe and awesome are the ones keeping this 1.4mil Cs pure spy down! Well done. Like I said - it ain't what your playing with its HOW you play with it. (wolf please don't take my tip out of context and use it in your day job, it's just sick.)

    IF pure evil were winning then please do explain to me why I have your spy alts on my wall getting pissy when I domt let them in. 

    Y'all need to stop getting so defensive and pissy at me on this thread. If yall were "winning" then why do you need to defend yourselves? Like I said the proof is in the pudding and just because your keeping ONE player pinned... THAT'S ME. There's no need to clap your hands, lick those windows and rub yourselves excitedly.

    I'm keeping my spy's up and not burning pots from pin intentionally. 
  14. Hmm interesting foxey
  15. Lol jokes. I don't give a **** . Warmageddon!!
  16. OMG!!

    Roxy has the feared pudding of proof
    I think after this revelation... 95% of all kaw players must reset

    Have fun being zero

    Just waiting another epic roxy melt...
  17. feared pudding of proof

    No wib, in other words. It will all come out at the end idjit

    Roxey don't do meltdown. And keep me zero'd, I'm sure it won't bring the situation you are all oh-so-hoping for.

    You keeping burning my spy's and I'll keep xtalling on rissas and bringme's pots. ^.^ 

    P.s can I request that you all try and burn other pots in ADHD. I'm feeling singled out. 
  18. Well..

    They are all pretty much potless.. Stripped