A Declaration of MORE War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Archados, Oct 5, 2012.

  1.  Foxy beats the **** out of everyone when it comes to **** talking. I wish I could say things that elegantly.
  2. Jump a war clan, jumping an eb clan is like jumping a handicapped person.
  3. Her pro trash talking makes up for her lack in war skills
  4. War skills val?

    Oh I'm sorry. But I'm the only one on purrs evils CA.

    Pot burning.. It's a skill you just ain't born with.
  5. Why don't u war a clan that actually has experience in war instead of picking an EB clan? Seems a bit weak minded
  6. Not hard when your talking the most smack. There's not many of you to pick from 
  7. There may not be alot of ADHD to pick from. And here is some reasons for your narrow arsed mind to ponder -

    1. ADHD are all ADHD.

    2. We unlike pure evil require NO help from the outside (I have the ss of who is funding your strips)

    3. Also hits have came into ADHD that are pure evils little helpers.

    ***** please. Come back to me with something that will shut me up. Until then run along little princess 
  8. Or maybe it's their strip banks.

  9. Or maybe you don't know what a strip bank is? Most strip banks dont have 7milcs.

    Did this little dengenarate just "duuuun" at me?

    Please I'm sick of owning the tools on this thread.

    Someone take over whilst I go and xtal on on pure evils pots?
  10. Who says you can't have alts. Or maybe just good ally hire timing 

    I'm sure your just junk to pure evil.

    Give me a week or so to HLBC this alt. if y'all are still warring ill even make PE CF for a day and I bet I can still work your clan over with my few. Unfortunately roxey I don't carry max pots on my spy builds, or my attack builds. So you'll have to just play with yourself for a while.
  11. Ahaha so much respect for pure evil

    You show them who is boss! Kill this eb noobs
    Good luck PE
  12. Oh believe me you dense little tard...

    I'd have much more fun playing with myself then I would with playing with pure evils accounts.

    In all honesty I've never met a clan that likes to sleep so darn much. Can't say its fun burning pots without the normal repercussions that usually follow 
  13. I doubt anything would shut you up sweetheart. Your stories are good for a laugh though.

    There are so many inconsistencies with your claims that I'm not even going to address each silly statement again because they deserve no response.

    The results speak for themselves for anyone who wants to have a look. ADHD stripped or hiding allies. End of story.

    I'm looking forward to our new war 
  14. Full support!
  15. Roxy have you ever considered getting in to politics? Some of these presidential candidates could really use someone like you on their team. Your ability to put a positive spin on a horrible situation is amazing. You and I both know your team gave up about 2 days ago. When 85% of your clan stopped hitting, remaining few with allies started begging for people to buy them in wc, started dropping allies, selling off remaining defensive pots....all that was kind of a dead giveaway. Hence the reason for posting the thread about finding a new challenge. We are starting to drift from the original topic of this thread. I suggest you make a new thread. A few suggestions.... "Best Forum Warrior", "Best Story Teller (Liar)", "How not to win a War", "Most Emotionally Unstable Kawer". Please make one of those and I will be more than happy to come vote or critique your work there
  16. Yes sugarbabe. Your 100% utterly and completely correct.

    I won't shut up. And you can't make me. Wanna know what's the best thing though? Your piss poor attempts and efforts to accomplish such an impossible thing to do.

    Sal - even though you may not be able to understand this I'll say it again - 75% of ADHD are pure spy's or spy builds with no allies or defence pots. If your broken down 2-bit-dolla-holla arse even started to understand this then maybe you may have a winning chance at defeating us. Your looking forward to your new war?...

    Well who ever they are, I can bet you they to will be utterly Suprised on how pure evil really are not evil at all

    Btw sal, nice little rant. You even managed a few spelling mistakes in there, but it made no sense. But like I said, I'll offer proof. When I want accounts to go *poof*

    Only time will tell who wins this war.

    And please don't give me a retort (which know doubt your noob-tastic selves will) winning a war is not based on who has the biggest guns, nor is it based on who has the most allies, neither Is it based on who has the most gold.

    It's as simple as this -

    Winning a war is based on who surrenders first. Who waves that little white flag. And putting it "elegantly" to you -

    like **** it will be ADHD. 
  17. LULZ @ rox..

    You wanna correct your math

    Counting from top to you... Noooot many pure spies..

    75% TROLLOLOLOL.. Yes.. Allyless and potless.. Just not pure spies
  18. Allie-less*

    And wib. Please re-read I clearly state you dunce -

    @ "75% are pure spy's OR spy builds"

    Btw wibby, congratulate your clan for me at being able to read eh? Only thing they are obeying is their CA. Clearly attempting at keeping me pinned which they have successfully done so (unless I xtal) for 8 hours! Well the hell done. I'm all impressed and stuff (please do, feel free to insert the sarcasm intended)
  19. I see a lot of smack talk from ADHD....nothing to back it up tho. Foxy many people have 7m cs alts....attack builds are super easy to get to that cs since update....and generally attack builds that are used as strip funds are kept outside main clan.
    To your point about being potless and without allies I agree and don't see why PE doesn't get that's part of the strategy of being a pure spy in war....but regardless you ended up looking dumb because you questioned why you hit from top down....it's an osw not a system war finding leaks doesn't prove or help anything keeping top of the list pinned is way more important, you can look for strip targets anytime lol

    End all good luck to ADHD as they need it way more than PE does....
    In case you didn't follow I support those crazy bastards at PE in whatever they do EB
  20. *EB kaw isn't KaW....it's kingdoms at WAR not kingdoms at hitting monsters that don't hit back