A Day In The Life Of The Wandering Villager: A TRUE STORY!!!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by xXP_3Xx_CHAD_xXP_3Xx, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. thread move from other game discussion to fan fiction per owner request.
  2. Hahahahahahahahaha!! I read it all over again and spent 5 mins LOL
  3. Lmao.... Chad i still love this story xD
  4. i cannot think of words to describe this....
    its just too funny...
    funny isnt good enough though....
    its more than funny...
  5. Veeeerry nice story
  6. I love reading this everytime it gets bumped lol
  7. Benny, please sticky this

  8. I still LOL whenever I re-read the post.
  9. My wandering villagers name retard
  10. Benny move this to the "best of" section please
  11. Please move to the BEST OF section
  12. i read the News Today oh, boy
  13. Benny move this to the "Best Of" section please
  14. And so the story continues with…TAPTAPSTAR! W00Tplease save all applause to the end of the story,which Chad will write
  15. I'm famous cause of these 