A Day In The Life Of The Wandering Villager: A TRUE STORY!!!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by xXP_3Xx_CHAD_xXP_3Xx, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. wow so many positive reviews........thanks everyone
  2. LOLOL Well worth the read Chad, nice epic WIN!
    *chants* "MORE MORE MORE"
  3. J0m4m4 thanks. Wanna see my tower
  4. This thread recieves Sholron'sstampofApproval

    Sholron, Far Alrahien Shan
  5. YES!!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Sholron!
  6. the only funny part to
    was the Joe sux peepee thing =/ amd it wasn't so funny it's just my opinion don't take it seriously tho kk? cool thx :D
  7. Your 12 its ok......i knew tht part would make u giggle.
  8. Haha this thread is amazingly funny!! Gave me a good laugh:):) loved it!!! 
  9. Great story!!! I read it over and over again and still found it amusing! *Sticky* please.
  10. Hahahahahahahahaha Joe is effing stupid!!!!!
  11. Benny can we move this to Fan Fiction please and thanks
  12. I gotta shipinkle nomnom this thread. Its so nomy!

    Shipinkle nomnom!! 