A Day In The Life Of The Wandering Villager: A TRUE STORY!!!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by xXP_3Xx_CHAD_xXP_3Xx, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. There is no mark or Steve or Jessica on "Days of our Lives". My mom watches that show. How many times can they kill stephano?? I think it's overrated. No one works or eats except for the doctors and Bo. That's it. The one guy is a clone and the one girl has been married like 4 times. It is annoying
  2. This was hilarious though. Defiantly an awesome thread
  3. I brought this thread back on purpose, lol.
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. Joe is my gramma always lookin out her window watching days of our lives
  6. Did he ever write the sequel??
  7. This should be in best of
  8. ༄Gotta love this classic story lmao!༄

  9. Lol love this
  10. It SHOULD be in best of..
  11. I think it was
  12. I wanna read tge sequel
  13. It was about stables, but it got locked and deleted. I'll remake it someday.

    Best Of This please