A Changing Personality FEEDBACK

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *I_Got_Da_Swagger (01), Jun 13, 2011.

  1. Loll. Nearly finished it!
  2. YES! You gonna post it today?
  3. Ok so, this is an EXTREMELY short chapter! But I thought, since I lurv you guys, you deserved to know who was in the doorway!


  4. Two days early

    *Makes a note*
  5. Wonderful chapter.
  6. iP lol watcha mean?
    And thanks feth :)
  7. You said it'd be up by friday 
  8. Earliness FTW
  9. Just cuz I am tardy for EVERYTHING!

    Though sometimes it's a good-ish thing. I missed one of my final exams so I had more time to study :cool:
  10. Aw dang iZ that's not good.
  11. That's not zaln...
  12. Never thought it would be her dad and great new chapter btw
  13. Thanks webs. It was actually gonna be Brittany, but I changed it to her dad so it wud surprise y'all
  14. Ok, I'm gonna start posting Whispering Clouds one day, and then A Changing Personality the next. Ok?
  15. Lol feth, it was a rhetorical question u know