Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Immortal_Knight, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Support, 100% behind u mate.
  2. I may be wrong, but as I have never been silenced I wouldn't really expect more than that. It could of been a mistaken identity, which the mod in question would probably have forgotten about 5 minutes later.

    In glad you got your ban removed.. However stating that mistakes can be made but you want the mod 'suspended and evaluated' is a bit contradictory. Mods are new at the job at some point, they can be tired, make mistakes.

    You say it's after the mistakes that defines a person, your hardly putting a halo above your head demanding blood like that.

    You got unsilenced, any issue with the mod in question is probably (and rightly) handled internally. Don't expect a response to this thread from the devs, you WONT get one.

    Let it go.

    TL;DR - move on, accept it, let it go (not that damn annoying song)
  3. Try being ip banned from kaw.. Id take a perm silence anyday over the ban i got
  4. I was perm silenced for 12 hours once. A very nice gentleman named Marvin @ support lifted my silence after one email with screenshots as proof of my case. I suggest if you are silenced or believe that you will be silenced for an sketchy offense that you screenshot the offense as evidence to provide to support.
  5. I support.

    It is a simple issue that needs to be addressed because it is likely going to happen again to someone else. Just because you were guilty of something a year or so ago does not mean you should be automatically excluded from be looked at for when a mod makes a mistake. I think the so called perm silence that is really a silence for a year and permanent strikes on your record should be replace with 9 months silence followed by 3 month probation then clearing of the record if no offences have occurred. This suggestion however still does not address the main issue I see within this thread; the main issue I see is the fact that he was automatically perm silenced when he was not in any public areas which means he did not violate ToU but, because he did violate ToU in the past he is being punished for it again by the devs not allowing an appeal for a mistake made by a mod. I would understand people's stance on "You did something wrong now deal with it" if he actually did something wrong in this case however he didn't, a mod made a mistake but because he did something wrong IN THE PAST he is unable to appeal the mistake the mod made.
  6. yes you should screen shot a ton of stuff in kaw but lets focus people.i'm not contradicting myself.if im correct all mods get a message when feedback is sent.so the mod would have seen it and should have spoken up.I'm not moving on like that.
    same thing applies in a the when u mistakenly hit item phases. You ADMIT IT AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT(offer item phases of your own to the sealer) or something.People who do not own up to their mistakes shouldn't have influence or power or authority to wield as that.
    that's just my opinion.
  7. Thank you for overly simplifying it htl.i think some people needed it broken down for them
  8. Lol your mod application
  9. Your thread made my eyes bleed, but I read it anyways.

    You deserve no compensation, you broke TOU multiple times in the past making you a likely repeat offender.... I was going to insert a witty metaphor here but I decided to censor it.
  10. I rec a six month perm silence even though KAW pm said 3. Did they listen when I sent SS of it? No. Even mod friend said I was able after 3 months. It was only my 4th offense and 1st perm silence. Some ppl have done so much worse and gotten off with less. Mine were all on wall's. 3 were bypasses (yes when I first started KAW nearly 4 yrs ago and was a noob). But last was a wallart with a tasteful word added from a friend. 6 months after 3 yrs and first 3 were in my first year. KAW admin need to pull their heads out of their asses and not show favortism/non favortism to ppl. It should be equal and fair. Re-adjust this silences after 1yr. I know I feel wronged
  11. yes I do deserve compensation!I was unable to war for 3 days and the mod couldn't or wouldn't even own up to their mistake.
    Troll I bet you did some things multiple times when you were a teenager and I bet you feel that you shouldn't be held accountable for those to this day as an adult!
    how would you like it if you were in my shoes? Unable to war or talk to anyone for 3 days because of another persons mistake. while the entire time you are being judged for something well over a year ago.
    think about that troll.and I hope your eyes don't bleed reading that
  12. Me? Actually I was a perfect angel (not being sarcastic). I have no regrets.

    Also you didn't really miss out warring, based upon your record you'd probably have lost.

    Therefore devs saved you money. You're welcome.
  13. You also forget: You can use an alt to talk in clan chat.

    Mind boggling discovery!
  14. Yeah when I got perm silence I deleted the game cause I couldn't talk you really wanting people to delete the game kaw
  15. every1 who has warred with or against me will tell you im great at war lol.im not offended by your petty comment.lets stay on topic here lol
  16. I've warred against you multiple times. Slaughtered you everytime.

    And this is on topic, since you mentioned being an "accomplished" war commanded in opening post.
  17. Commander*

  18. I have only wc a few times.there are a few wc at dg so idk.and even you now your ending comment was a lie.say what you want about me personally lol idc. you are diverting from the main topic at hand.
  19. By making a mistake, reading the wrong name next to the offensive content would be a mistake, if they're sure they saw it under your name then why would they own up to it?

    IMO they should make you a mod, I give you about 3 days till you give up.

    Demanding compensation for some missed war time? Lol. My kids stop me warring, it's not my fault though so I should ask for compensation from them?

    YOU broke ToU MULTIPLE times. This time there was an error, whilst I believe the system has it's flaws, every penal system in the world also has it's flaws, nothing can ever be perfect, unfortunately for you it's just bad luck that your on the receiving end this time.

    Grow up. Be a man, it's happened, it's been revoked, I fail to see the point of this thread now.
  20. Main topic:


    My point:

    Statistically thinking, you wouldn't have won your war anyways, therefore deserve no compensation. Plus you are a previous rule breaker- therefore would be suspect as a repeat offender.