A Challenging Riddle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Reproduction, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. You cannot see me, nor touch me,
    Yet you can see the effects of me all around you.
    I give rise to a number of things :lol:
    I bring about despair in some cases,
    Yet bountiful joy at other times.
    You could say that I am THE most essential things on Earth.

    What am I?
  2. None of them ^^
  3. Maybe I worded it poorly?
    I thought someone would have it by now lol
  4. Devs or mods
  5. Or it's you
  6. It can't be reproduction.
  7. Nothing
  8. Its nothing. I guarentee it.
  9. Is it really written that badly?
  10. I am the most essential THINGS on earth.
    first singular then plural.
    I can't shake it.