A Challenge to the KaW PVP Community

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Imitation-Cheese, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. Lol, "We want a throw back to the old days of kaw, with real wars. But let's ignore the fact that we used to farm in actives to grow." Grow up kiddos. It was a huge part of the game before system wars came out, and if you want to get rewards for osw, I don't see a way to not include thus possibility. As for BL rewards, I'm not sure I see the point. Sure I've used BL, but I'd prefer hitting idiots in wc than randoms in BL. Just my thoughts on it all.
  2. Nothing is without an exploit...

  3. Cheesay.

    Look up my bounty hunter v2.0, if you have the time/are on PC.

  4. The obvious exploit for any PvP award is hitting inactive players. You know they will not hit back. Alternatively, a person (or group/clan/alliance) could designate a certain active build to be the "punching dummy" for the day (think of the target of plunder wars if you have played the game long enough).

    That said, many of the ideas here revolve around opting in to a system in order to get pvp awards. That would address the inactive problem (except for the obvious exploit of someone logging onto one of their many alts, casting and then using the alt as an individual/group/clan/alliance punching bag as noted above).

    Another idea has been floated that suggests that the reward for hitting any one opponent should diminish over time in order to force you to hit more players. I don't know how the rewards would be calculated but say they were based on "points". Under this system you would get 10 points for your first successful attack on a target within a 24 hour period, 8 points for second, on down to 0 if you hit 6 or more times. Then you would be forced to move to a new target. Again, big, organized clans could set up a series of targets, to hit, but it would at least make it harder.

    A third option would be sort of a pvp matchup system by KaW itself. Much like wars, you cast to be put into a pvp deathmatch. You cast, KaW then selects a target which best matches your size and stats, you are told that for the next 2 hours, this is your target. It can be scored by plunder, or number of successful actions, or however.

    Just random thoughts--but it is indeed difficult to think of a system which is not immediately susceptible to exploitation. Kudos to the devs for trying to figure out how a system like this could work, but it is indeed a difficutl nut to crack.


  5. Devs announced pvp changes to be released in February. I'm looking forward to it and I hope it will be a reasonable, good, not senseless, worth as funny change. Not some random **** like "10% more gold in Wednesday when hitting Bl" 
  6. So few people have addressed the issue that many of these ideas will still leave out anyone in OSW. Anything that relies on the battle list will do that.

    To be honest, I think the simplest/most elegant way is with scroll drops. You get them occasionally from a hit, but you have a better per-hit chance to get them in PVP than in Smoke Signals. As further relic equip (or even other similar equip series) are released, then the item required to activate them gets added to the list of possible drops.
    Although, personally I believe it would be a much better system if there was only one type of scroll, rather than one per item, but it took three times as many scrolls to enchant.
    Future promos could also tie into this new feature. For example, when the summer promos roll around again, scroll drops could be added to EE or to the EB bonuses, though still at a reduced rate vs pure PVP.

    Flaws? Well of course, anyone could farm an inactive or an alt and get cool equip out of it. But, lets think about this, do a little math..
    Currently your odds of getting a scroll in SS is awfully low. But we want to increase it for PVP, so lets make it, say, equivalent (roughly) to doing 3 EBs to get one scroll. That means you need to hit an alt/inactive 450 times on average to get a single scroll (Assuming 3 EBs at 3 hours each). So if you do nothing but throw attacks at an alt 18 hours a day for two weeks, you might (if you're lucky) have ALMOST enough to activate one equip. And with that kind of dedication, more power to you.
  7. Tl;dr: If the drop rate is where it needs to be, then I don't think farming an inactive or an alt will really be an exploit.
  8. I don't care if they add rewards but the plunder system needs to be revamped.

    I would increase pvp plunder by around 25% and start factoring in bfe/bfa into payout like how pots are calculated.
  9. Incentives(scrolls) for hitting battlelist. This would discourage farming alts for rewards.
  10. i've already come up with war coins which is the most support idea so far
  11. Just put it so that equipment pieces* drop out of PvP, like they want(ed) to do with the bone dragon ebs, am I right? Then if/when they bring in smithing use something (mith, bb, aqua/inferno) to build it together! Done!

    So it can't be exploited make the drop as random as eb equipment! Like put some rarer parts than others? Idk, maybe some drop like hooves from reck, whereas other drop like NML arms? Maybe not quite as extreme tho! Idk what other equipment is hard to get?
  12. I like fox's idea about limiting EBs you can do in a certain time period.. As everyone says, this is kingdoms at WAR, not kingdoms at EPIC BATTLE. So if there was a limit on #of EBs within 24 hour period, then people would be forced to A)twiddle their thumbs til the timer was up, B)do quests, C)pvp or war. Could turn out to be a good change, but it won't happen unfortunately..
  13. definitely pvp equips, and have some a leaderboard per month and who is like top 30 clans get rewards!!!
  14. ^ can't be top clans, it would have to be single players PvP, Player vs Player not clan vs player! And top 30 get reward puts people off when there's a leader board for attacks won as it is... And for people who won't/can't buy xtals
  15. MrXrocker, only problem is for different timezones, if you start clan in GMT, limit might be reached before you come on in 12 hours time in Australia (whatever tz that is?)
  16. @joker, if it was a 24 hour period then everyone would theoretically have same effect. Like every midnight in London or so