A Challenge to the KaW PVP Community

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Imitation-Cheese, Jan 16, 2014.

  1. A couple of spitball ideas come to mind.

    1. The plunder bonus
    percentage bonus of plunder for every 50 (change number to suit) hits you do on the battle list, that would last for roughly 6 hours or so. This means that to keep the heightened plunder you must continually hit battle list. Sort of like an estocs edge.

    2. The plunder steal
    An edit to above idea, you can remove a person edge by hitting them back, and taking the edge from them if you hit the right number of times. The downside being you only get the number of hours they have left, which stops two people from agreeing to hit back and forth to keep refreshing. This means that returning bl hits has a reward.

    3. The eq drop
    Yes I know it's been said, but it merits a looking at. Give It a low drop rate, but a massive power boost, And make it only upgradable with "threads of war" which is the thread stolen from an enemies banner. The higher level of banner the opponent has, the more threads you receive. This can incorporate the new banner system into pvp, and will make it a more popular option for players who complain about updates and want "the old days of actual war" back.

    4. The seal drop.
    Well haunting escape pays out a shitload, and that's why people do it. Why not offer one of the biggest commodities kaw has to offer as a drop from pvp? Give it a fairly rare drop rate, but give people the chance and it will probably increase pvp a fair amount. Yes it might cost the devs a TINY bit, but people will still purchase the seals due to drop rarity.

    5. The glimpse.
    This is less for battle list and more for general war, but still useful. Scout a target enough times, and you may get the chance to see exactly how much gold they have out, and thus wether or not it merits a strip.

    Just a few thoughts I had.

  2. I'm not laughing I'm Grim. 
  3. Some good ideas, but the reason PvP has died out in place of other structures is the exploit. No one has addressed the main part of Cheese question....

    How do you reward true osw or PvP players that are battling each other, not just hitting an inactive account, or one made strictly to get beaten up on. How do you not reward fake PvP stats to those who don't deserve them for just hitting an OSF or OAF?

    It's a very hard question to answer 
  4. Well there could be an activity check on the accounts. If the one being farmed hasn't been used in the last 30 days then no reward will be dropped.

    And it could be a battle list only drop system.
  5. Hitting epic battles for gold is collecting resources.
    Resources are known to run out after a period of time.
    Why not make somewhat of a token that can be used to start an epic battle, but make the token obtainable by battle list hits. The drop would have to be somewhat common, like a 1/100 chance.

    Encourages PvP. Could start wars.

  6. OSF is active, but made to be beaten without fighting back - so activity check won't work - easily exploitable
  7. easy.
    make it a level like ee. if they hit back or accept the fight then the level is increased. with hit range's properly fixed it will prevent big accounts farming little alt's for this. also obv have it so you can only be rewarded from winning a pvp match one time over the course of let's say a week. i have a whole thread on a system for 3v3 1v1 an 5v5 any time match ups titled like gladiator or duels or something. i can bump if ya want.
  8. Ah, but that would destroy the income. Not enough drops for people. Would be great idea if not for ebs having already been started, but we can't take away all the income of people now that they've started.
  9.  like foxes idea. there are plenty of idea's and have been brought to the dev's attention but they haven't even given an idea of what might get implemented.
  10. I wrote, "hordes at war" a long long time ago too grim, talked about anytime wars and matchups.

    An idea for PvP might work like this;

    It would have to be something where players still cast or "enter" into it. Once active you will pop up on PvP battle list.

    There would have to be something at stake as well, like 50 losses without 25 wins and a building gets knocked down a level releasing gold. Inactive accounts and OSF's would slowly be torn down

    Would only be for those that enter tournament, and tournaments last 1 month, or 2 weeks - your battle list would only contain very close range kingdoms (so no picking on little guys - bullies) and you would have to either war naked (no equip) or dressed like Ralphie's little brother going to school (max equip armed).

    Maybe something along those lines might work...

    I reserve the right to say I thought of this when others regurgitate it  (not saying you did on other idea grim, just that's what always happens on forums)
  11. haha we had very similar idea's I like your addition of it being a spell to cast. make's it a bit more free flowing
  12. It's a great forum thread, I hope others contribute as it has a lot of merit and could be extremely fun if a solution is found to seal up the exploit inherent in PvP rewards 
  13. Gawd. Not another lame PvP thread. Give it a rest already.
  14. Another great addition to PvP wars is if you cast or enter your kingdom can no longer hit EB's or Quests or players not entered into that tournament. You will also be immune from being hit by anyone not in tournament.

    Hold 1 tournament a month - make it a 2 week tournament.

    To alleviate collusion and gang ups - you could only attack from the options that pull up from battle list, and devs would have to keep that rotating constantly.
  15. Simple PVP concept.

    You drop a seal, similar to current EE wars. The seal lasts 4 or 6 hours.
    Based on that, the devs match you to, say 10-20 other similar players.
    The first person you hit locks you to that player for the 4-6 hour period.
    During that time, double or triple loot (cover use of pots) and the chance of unique drops, including mith etc for the most successful player in the PVP.

    Just an idea. Kinda pointless, because the devs are no longer capable of materially changing anything in this game.
  16. I put all my thoughts into a new thread, just wanted to get them down while they were coming to me, I went a bit crazy though 
  17. Make rewards for PvP dependant on a level of incoming and outgoing. Use the current reward systems for extra items. Sct badge, attack badge, ass badge. Make then actually worth something, but only reward PvP stats when Def Badges are at a level as well.

    This way you have to take incoming and give outgoing.

    You could also make pots burnt from attacks rewarded.. The ideas are limitless if you reward balance of outgoing to incoming only..
  18. Plus make the badge counts only respond to attacks on other accounts..not on EBs as (i think?) they do now or exclude EE from them as well.

    The system is already in place in my opinion, just needs a few tweeks.
  19. Lol, "We want a throw back to the old days of kaw, with real wars. But let's ignore the fact that we used to farm in actives to grow." Grow up kiddos. It was a huge part of the game before system wars came out, and if you want to get rewards for osw, I don't see a way to not include thus possibility. As for BL rewards, I'm not sure I see the point. Sure I've used BL, but I'd prefer hitting idiots in wc than randoms in BL. Just my thoughts on it all.