A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Seven - The Broken Crown

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Just for the record, I'm not saying it's equal. I was just pointing out the drop rates we're equally bad. Spies get better, they need to raise attack drops. Point was we were affected aswell.
  2. You do realize it takes more effort to build a spy acct then a attack acct yet attack builds feel like they should get the same as a spy build why
  3. I was basically saying he or she or whatever identity it is (I have to cover it all) doesn't have to spend money there is always blaming the Devs. You can't deny that you see it all the time.
  4. @ Jeff

    Quoting the devs they want "balanced drops" these events have nothing to do with builds and that my reward is the plunder from running the higher ebs,check my wall.
    Yes spies are harder to grow but where's the equal footing to even aim for #1 overall in this event there's enough benefits for a spy with the end plunder bonus anonymity when scouting assassinating n stealing that is the norm,possibly,but for events it should be strictly based on hits not plunder.Imagine saying to Bolt in his Olympic race you are clearly faster so you start a 100 meters behind the rest in the race.
  5. Because people should be rewarded for effort instead of whatever build they chose. My build type takes longer to upgrade is not a good reason to have an unfair advantage during an event.
  6. I agree, every build has it's advantages & it's draw backs. Promos should be equal for all who choose to actively participate.
  7. Can't wait to  what the devs have instore for us next
  8. Part 8
  9. Another weekend and another event BORING..........
  10. Does anyone actually read the stories?
  11. why ya giving out , Haldakristal (166), Gatesilver Powder (177) on ZTA???
  12. Hahaha goddamnit. Wall Grant.

    And sometimes, Snoopy.
  13. Event is great! However, the inferno and aqua pay outs are not substantial. Can you please increase aqua and inferno drops?
  14. I feel they should not reward ppl who war with the event items as they are already being rewarded with wartokens
  16. They don't get much though. And only if they win.
  17. 300 if they win plus whatever they get for their actions and say 3 wars a day is 900+ event items daily not including what they make off ebs they do in between and PvP rewards if they participate in PvP on weekends.
  18. I don't war myself just curious. What do you care how much items someone else is getting? Event is individual. If you want a change propose an increase in drops for EBs.
  19. Does anyone remember when events were actually fun?
  20. Rewards should be more for collecting more items like 20k, 25k, 30k etc