A Cast of Falcons: Chapter Four - The Last Checkpoint

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 2, 2016.

  1. Story of our life in KaW, mate!
  2. So drop rates are determined by how much gold is made per eb and not actions? At least it's that way in the biggest/toughest eb's it seems. Doesn't seem very fair that huge CS players only need to unload once to get almost max item drops. Just saying!
  3. Not sure if that is exactly accurate. However I do support the large players getting more for less simply based on there buildings. Realistically its fair based around the thought that they have either bought their stats or they have committed a lot of time & effort to them.

    Smaller players complain that it is not fair a 100ml cs player makes more than a 20ml cs player for the same actions or less in some cases. They Neglect to see the building differences. A 100ml cs player has considerably more buildings & likely maxed to match. This is completely fair, its a privilege of committing time &/or $$ into kaw. Either way were not talking about a 20ml cs & a 22ml cs with a huge difference. Naturally a 20ml cs would make considerably more than a 2ml cs for the same actions or even less.
  4. I totally agree with what your saying, but for someone to get very close to max event items to drop for 62 actions seems over the top. It's just something I've noticed, that's why I asked if drops are determined by gold made rather then actions! not really a big deal, just seems a little off to me is all.
  5. I would think its based on damage done... simple
  6. They may have ran Crux (100-300%), I've done that unloaded 1-3 times & woke up with nearly max drops myself.
  7. Wtf is ATA Grant??? I've been gone since like November
  8. How many chapters in this event?? level 4 banner requires 20 tokens, so can't max enchant the banner with 7 chapters...
  9. Still ends up the same to me.Smaller players still take same amount of time to finish.Faster stronger clans will still end up on top.Correct me if that doesn't seem to right.
  10. Your not exactly right there, larger clans dont always end up in top. Some just have players willing to ax xtal every eb for speed. More that end up on top are Xtaling & cruxing at the end. Theoretically its like running a hte train for gold but allows thousands if items in a 2 hour period. Completely fair however.

    Size/Bfa/Bfe factor in when you consider successful hits per eb. Running a crux counts for 80% of this. I've tested this & found it to work well. 100% = 2 full unloads per unload so 300% = 3 full unloads for 1. Add 3 xtals at 25% in main bar & that's 9 unloads at the end yielding maximum items. It was never a secret that crux increase your payout. Its more that some players figured out how to optimize their crux while others grind away for hours. So realistically stats = 10%, Xtals = 10% & Crux = 80% of their success in promos.

    I do not see 2ml players whining about 20ml cs players making more for less. I keep seeing Mid sized players mad that Lb players are getting more for less. Same theory. Optimize your crux to get more for your actions during promos. War/PvP is a factor as well but not as effective as the mentioned theory above. Large players = Large buildings & Upgrades so of course more per action. This has been the mechanics since the start of kaw.
  11. I agree with your idea and that people should not whine, however if I remember correctly the Screenshot in questions showed 24 actions. Now I agree that he definitely cruxed but even then, hardly 3 xtals on crux. Adjusted that's ~72 actions or a single FB and a 20m skim without cruxing (again not really 9 xtals worth)
  12. That's what your over looking. Every hit in a crux acts as x2-3 (depending on which) total actions x3 plus skimming (proven to yeild more) added with over all bonuses (Br, last promo plunder, possible Ee, possible Battle cry). Yeilds considerably more items. Assuming Crux 300%+25%(BC)+20%(promo spell)+11%(decent br spell)+25-50%(if Estocs Edge is involved) so potentially 371%-391% depending on br could be 1-2%less or more & plunder bonus in question could be tweaked a bit. All this factored in with Skimming & Size makes this completely fair (Expensive) but fair.

    Unfortunately no one has proven exactly what active spells they may have been using at that given time. All that was shown was clear evidence of max items for minimal effort.
  13. Much better devs!

  14. Thing is though, this means they read the thread and only do the really easy stuff.
    They can't be bothered to respond to the more obscure and important questions raised by the community...
  15. Where you been hiding, Envy! Lol. They've been doing that a long time now. They only respond to simple questions like 'How do you open boxes?' and only fix simple problems like they've copy and pasted the wrong words.

    The moment a tough question is asked, they disappear or ignore players completely under the guise of 'we're busy'.

    Still no one has bothered to explain what you've changed in the drops. Well done devs. You outdo yourself every day.
  16. Decreased a lot. Now i will never reach the tier i used to reach. More than 30%
  17. Cap for item drops dropped. Mid and smalls get screwed the hardest.
  18. Of course they have been. What else is new?
  19. I am unable to opt in! I'm so frustrated right now. I've restarted the app multiple times. Still no option to opt in at the alchemist