A Cast of Falcons Chapter 6: Let's talk the change

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by [ATA]Charlie, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Np :) I just hope people realize that I am a BC hansel with towers so nothing I said is really beneficial to myself it's purely for what I believe is best for everyone as a whole.
  2. For anyone still experiencing issues with clan ranks being incorrect even after you've restarted your app - all members of your clan need to restart their apps or have logged in since the change has been reversed to be put in the right place. For example - a clannie here who was bumped from cr22 to cr4 following the change yesterday has remained there all day until he just logged in again - he has now dropped back down to cr22. Hope that helps anyone else struggling to understand it :)
  3. When you write a long ass suggestion and it doesn't get seen. :/ lol
  4. are we sure this was fixed? because i jumped up 3000 spots on the overall lb... :?
  5. I think it would be good on a thread you're asking for talk on if you actually responded to the comment's 
  6. Please keep the extra sb @_@
  7. I'd like to again suggest hte is made more difficult to hit or much longer for a few reasons

    1/ Value for real money spent

    2/ The smaller 'home' clans with a mixture of stat players all benefit, they need each other to get it finished promoting clan loyalty

    3/ Eliminates the train era .... Which in my opinion is the single most 'gap' contributor.

    In my early days the only way I could keep up with my insomniac non paying friends was to either hit more pots and skim on a haunt or xstal. I agree with others who have said you expect to have an advantage when u pay to play but I do think very high activity should be as well rewarded.

    What about having a 1 tril price tag on new clans? If hte and zita stay the same it would hinder the ones opening clans just for trains and then if no activity for more than 2 days kaw automatically disbands them if they are under a certain prestige. This will also help the new player get the help and support they need from having to choose a well established clan to join in the beginning instead of then either making their own or joining a half dead one with an alt holding a clan for next train run!
  8. To repeat what immortal999 said "Are you still going to be trying change or is that it? I'm all for change"?