A Cast of Falcons Chapter 6: Let's talk the change

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by [ATA]Charlie, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. Hi Charlie,

    Thanks for the updates. I'm preparing my critique, FWIW.
  2. Thanks for keeping in contact Charlie it's great to see you aren't afraid to make changes in an attempt to better the community as a whole. A lot of people in the community will always complain unless it benefits them so comments are needed to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    Growth does need to be rewarded through event items however the difference currently is huge and is too heavily advantageous to large builds whereas the balance needs to be somewhere in the middle of size and activity. A small account who is highly active should be able to push for higher tiers (not lb) if they are an active spender but larger accounts should have an easier time but still need to be fairly active.

    I will happily go into more depth with you if you wish Charlie and as a bc player my suggestion actually makes it harder on me so it's not like I'm being biased I'm simply being realistic.

  3. Wrong Charlie,things are still wacked...better check that coding again.

  4. Kezzer would you mind elaborating? on:

  5. What I mean is that players should see an increase in drops as they grow because they are contributing more however the gap between a small and a large player currently is too much. The curve needs to favor larger builds but not by such a large gap like it currently does. I made a very quick graph to show how the current drop rates feel like and what they should be more like.

    The curves on this graph of course aren't an entirely accurate representation of what we currently have although I tried to make it similar to how the drop rates currently feel like so as to give you an idea.

    As you can see I made the curve steeper towards the lower end however it rapidly moves into a slow incline which rewards growth however activity becomes a large factor towards the top end. This means a 50m cs account can compete with an account 5x it's size for example however if they both have the same activity the larger account should have a slight edge in terms of drops (around 20% more at most) This not only rewards growth it also rewards activity and doesn't make getting higher tiers completely unreachable for small-mid sized accounts, however new accounts will still struggle right at the start but can see a quick progression.

    Also I made it so my new suggested curve keeps drops at the same rate they are right now for the larger players as this balancing of drops seems to work rather well but it also gives smaller players a slight increase to what they have seen in the past to help promote growth within the game.
  6. You may need to give the system a little longer to update. And you also may need to close and reopen the app. But I can confirm fully that the system has been reverted to it's previous state!
  7. @Charlie - Can you tell us what you changed for the CR's to change? Just curious as to what you changed for it to happen.
  8. It was related to an attempt to make event item drops more similar between builds. And that had a slew of expected, but magnitudes greater, effects that I did not like so we reverted the change.

    Hope that helps!
  9. Charlie can you just change the drops back to the original format,att builds were behind the eight ball compared to spy builds but not as bad as we are after the change was made for the last event.Further changes should be beta tested before being released.
    All you have to do to see the drop discrepancies is go around the clans checking the histories,I just looked at Kezzer's clan it is obvious there very few hitting in that clan so it doesn't take too long to check out
  10. Why don't people get a banner for the 3k reward?
  11. Just make the system work like it does in PvP - each successful action has a chance to drop one of the 2 item parts
  12. Are you still going to be trying change or is that it? I'm all for change
  13. Just to bring my edited post forward for everyone to see
  14. Love u charlie
  15. We know that drop rates were nerfed for Chapter five without affecting plunder. And we know that Charlie's changes for Chapter six affected both drop rates and plunder (even though I haven't seen much data to explain why).

    Charlie also suggested that the changes were for Osmon Rai buildings only. This seems sensible as the inequality issue only became really heated after the last land expansion.

    I'm not quite sure if that's the full story if a lot of players hitting AFF were seeing nerfed plunder...

    Targetting the buildings themselves may not be the answer. Newer players will have tended to by-pass upgrading Hoarfrost lands because of the lower cs:price ratio compared to Abyss; and in Abyss may only have a handful of lands unlocked but high-level Abyss buildings because of the escalating cost of unlocking new lands makes it more efficient to upgrade rather than expand. Or alternatively players like me might have 13 fully upgraded HF buildings because the low cost made it easy to 'bank' in upgrades.

    So if high-level buildings are going to be nerfed we have to recognise that it will not only be 'big' players affected.

    And I doubt that KAW's parameters would allow drop rates to be linked to the land underneath the buildings themselves.

    A flat drop rate seems to not be in the designer's vision if both activity and size should contribute towards event success. So how are the changes going to be fairly and successfully realised? Any ideas?
  16. @Kezzer I do not see anything regarding equalizing the drops per build just compare att/spy both at 200 mil cs both hitting 200 times the spy will get 1100 on LotL where as the att build will be around 700.This is where the imbalance lies,and all the curves in the world will not rectify that.
    This affects small and big and needs addressing for a equalized balance.
  17. It's been 4 hours since this post Charlie... And I've closed and reopened the app several times but cr is still all over the place! Any idea when it'll be sorted? 4 hours is a long time for things to settle :(
  18. Well yes that's true I forgot to mention that :) Personally I feel that both attack and spy buildings of each level/tier should provide the same drop rate however towers shouldn't provide drops at all. They shouldn't reduce drops they should just not provide any.
  19. Thanks for acknowledging that Kezzer now if only ATA Charlie and Grand will do the same,that is a major issue.
  20. Agree 100% with these post! Or as others say "Support" :)