A Cast of Falcons Chapter 6: Let's talk the change

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by [ATA]Charlie, Jul 27, 2016.

  1. So why higher energy plunder for the lower stat than the bigger stat. The object is to get bigger to get more gold. That's what small players have to look forward to. What's the fun in not growing properly. The chase is the fun to where you try to be the biggest in your clan.
  2. Very much not fixed. Asof with crux running and 1 xtal was 200 items lower for me than last event. I thought the bad changes were removed not amplified

  3. It encourages players to hit EBs within their stat range. This is already in effect for PVP. If I hit a 150m CS PS I make more than if I hit a 75mCS PS, and even less if I hit a 20mCS PS.

    I am not going to dictate the specific ranges for EBs. The penalty for PvE is utilizing a similar structure to PvP to encourage you to hit where you should be "stat wise" and continue to grow. In PvP and PvE there will always be people hitting below their CS "sweet spot", this reduces incentives for that behavior.

    Blood rains can be coded to not apply the bonus or penalty for CS hitting on those specific EBs.

    It is one idea to try to improve the game. Having played on different devices and accounts for 5+years I find it extremely difficult to get friends to play and stay when they hit the plateau for gold/stat/land upgrades/growth.

    Current early kaw is like a constant rush of upgrades, that can quickly (1month ish) grind down to an upgrade a week to every two weeks etc. eventually it isn't worth the time to unload. Losing customers to attrition and burnout reduced the amount of potential buyers of good in the game.
  4. I understand I wasn't downing your suggestion hopefully it didn't come out that way. I know a lot of noobs complain how it's taking awhile to grow. I'm thinking well it took that long for us so why not.
  5. Just like noobs who qoute people directly above them
  6. Your welcome just sayin
  7. Has Charlie been fired yet?
  8. I'm trying to wrap my head around all the talk of imbalance going on:-
    Gap between big n small-no matter which app you join and play there's a gap those on top have played for yrs and it's their due to be on top.
    Plunder earned - again the larger players have put in time on the app and have grown,again it's their due.
    Drop imbalance between builds-This is the only issue that should be balanced,not the amount dropped for the size,unless it's a set rate per # of hits per eb but the discrepancy between the build drops there is a distinct difference between spy and att builds.This is the area that needs to be looked into.
    In a LotL yesterday I had 331 actions and received 880 drops a spy build 40mil cs larger though had 190 hits and received 1059 drops that is the imbalance if you compare the drops between myself and another att build 40mil cs lower the amount of drops is not that great.
    If you want a even playing field between bigs and smalls split the event into 2 division's but I can almost guarantee that the imbalance between builds will still be a issue.Please Charlie change the drop rates back to the original as this imbalance will only hurt these events.
  9. Or drop building token which will upgrade a building by lvl 1.

    Or building token will max the lvl of building :)

    Only applicable to non Albc builders..
  10. Oh yay! Another ATA cluster #%*^
  11. Wash your mouth out with soap!!
  12. All you people going on about this nerfing eb pay as you grow just need to stop. We dont need the devs to be telling us what ebs to do. Smh

    I blame all you flaming butt kissers on forums for this mess, constantly crying for more dev interaction, thanks alot.
  13. Grant,
    Quick question, what effects the amount of event items that a player recieved? I'm an attack build and get very little or lose plunder with my spy actions. So does your plunder, or total actions i.e.attacks/Assasinations, count towards amount of event items one recieved?
  14. I swear things just get weirder and weirder on here
  15. Yeah, right, exactly, precisely..

    Hmm, can I trade my seatemplar helm to your red helm? It looks better, I like the red gem. And the rings of course, I can trade mine to your 900 sb.
  16. Can the drops go back to how they were when this event series started? Honestly, those that wanted the top 100 & 10 had to work for anyways by either hopping clans the whole event or paying for it by using crystals and what not. I actually enjoyed the event before as I felt the drops were good and yes I still threw some crystals and chest, but those of us with RL going on as well could still make the 15k tier as long as activity was good. So please consider just letting us finish out this series the way it started. Revamp the next series if needed, of course fixing this inbalance in drops to different builds we have atm! Before last event change I didn't feel a great difference between attack builds and spy builds during this series but that is no longer the case!
  17. Support
  18. The shift of catering to players who spend little to nothing on this game is troubling. There isn't a single business that can survive or have sustainable revenues based on this ridiculous model.

    Pandering to players who do absolutely nothing to contribute to ATA's bottom line (as a FOR profit business) by negatively impacting
    the players who keep the game alive and are solely responsible for 99% of their revenues and cash flow is just plain stupid business sense.
  19. The KaW community is like any political party, Dev Charlie. They despise any change containing detriments. Only changes with benefits are liked.

    Later on in life (or in the game), they realize that the change is good, yet doesn't ever say anything about it, all-the-while still complaining about it.

    So next time, if there's wayyy too many people hating it, sure, change it.
    But if it's a couple, screw them. ;) :p Just implement it, it will later be appreciated.
  20. Quick Update:

    Some players were notified me by writing on my wall about Clan Ranking still being a little weird. After looking into I found the error and corrected it. It is now back to exactly the same way as it was before yesterday's change.

    Any further updates in Clan Ranking are due to those players having done something to increase or decrease power.

    Thanks for the comments and the players who got in contact with me!