i brought it up. and i mentioned that it was because the devs were greedy. it just them taking advantage of people with ocd that can't stand the thought of having mismatched eq now that they are so close to a complete set.
you capped drops for small stats? i got always on last events good drops because of activity and damage. now even when i am ranked on top 10 in plunder, i don't get mor than 25 items. i used to spend xtals only on events, so thank you for saving my money.
The only reasonable explanation for me is that you missed items. But 25 items for 350 actions is not cool, so i support that notion. However you are doing cotd at less than 3mcs total attack (attack + attack ) so idk.
Missing items? What is that? . I've collected over 7.5k on last both events. won't make 1k with this rate of drops.
Why has this issue still not been dealt with..as a paying customer you'd think I would at least get a reply
Sorry wrong number ...4months later *phone rings* "The number you have dialed is no longer in service"
I may be wrong but there seems to be a bigger imbalance with item drops this event. We have people in the clan 2k one way some 2k the other it's not normally this extreme.
I have a problem use ahould cut the time in half to open the prophet box because we loose out on those not getting our items
Well your a drop build clearly; they are trying to balance the game if you didn't notice. Although drop build isn't against TOU it's not how the game was intended to run. So you receive less items so that you don't get EQ that's 15x your actual power. Thus helping level out game. And preventing you from bullying new players. Idk I could be wrong.