A-Bomb Survivors Want Obama to Meet, Apologize in Hiroshima

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by McDreamy, May 19, 2016.

  2. If I recall, no one is even asking you to apologize. So you can stop feeling like that. My main point was in how you diverged into other areas that need'nt be touched. But you have always posted like that with no change in sight, hence the short post.

    Apologizing for dropping the bombs is pretty stupid though.
  3. Apologize for what op. Tell whomever you are writing this for that they need to do some research. American-born Nisei and Kibei numbered about 11,000. Yeah. American citizens were in the bombings as well. They visited family or friends and worked every day. Its not just Japanese who were bombed. Approximately 20,000 korean slaves used by Japanese were impacted as well. It took great pains to make the decision to drop those bombs and many people sacraficed. But I am grateful to those who died and suffered that they suffered so that I and my family live free today. But I don't apologize nor should the POTUS.
  4. Japan doctored their history books to say America struck first in the second world war.
    (Although due to world pressure, they did eventually change it to correlate with the rest of the worlds history)

    Are they gonna apologise to Obama for lying to their population?
  5. I think Obama should apologise..... For being the worst potus ever
  6. Japan denies almost everything they've been accused of concerning war crimes, even Nanking ...really everything
  7. He's not quite that bad. He's like the 3rd worst...

    i.e: ...Carter & 2nd Bush
  8. Reagan takes the cake.
  9. ?? ...Raegan was awesome 
  10. I like reagan and George w.....we have had way worse if we go back in history. Just not in my lifetime. Not a Nixon fan. He was in my life
  11. Defiantly not a Clinton fan or an Obama fan either
  12. lol In perspective considering what's happened with several presidents after Nixon ...he really wasn't that bad 

    ...He actually did some good things that he doesn't ever get credit for.
  13. This. I hold no person or nation accountable for acts committed by thier forebears, that they themselves did not commit.

    Should contemporary Japanese citizens be apologising to the Chinese over Nanking? To the Papauns? To Australia over the abuse of prisoners after the fall of Singapore? Nope. None of us younguns can know the context of that time, nonetheless be responsible for it.

    There are WWII survivors all over the world that suffered atrocities by both sides - experiences that no words can fix.
  14. Reagan...For years, I've heard nothing but great "great" things about him. But many people love to leave out the harm he's done to this country.

  15. We each chose the people who align with our beliefs and or charecter. We each vote or side with those who we feel represent us....I don't fault people for choosing diffrent than I do....heck I fought so they can have their opinion. Right or wrong. But I liked reagan
  16. yes, and they said that Pearl Harbour was a counter attack to an American first strike.
    They denied and falsified records to make it look like they where just retaliating.

    but as far as i am aware, Japanese parliament eventually changed their history records to fall in line with the rest of the worlds.
  17. ww2 happened like what 70 years ago? A simple im sorry is first off too late to ask for and second not going to do crap. If anything their ancestors should be apologizing to them for starting the violence with the us which was too much for them. Then refusing to surrender because despite already being beaten backwards. The first one while horrible was an act of war. The second was just for pearl Harbor and to show off as a surrender was actually underway not to mention the Japanese did horrid experiments on their pows....far worse than what even the nazis did. But its war and being on the side that lost more always sucks. I dont belive theres a real winner in war as anyone involved in it suffers heavy losses.
  18. Hiroshima was disgusting and heartbreaking.

    But had the Japanese had the capability they would have done the same. It's the world we live in. I think asking for an apology after you actively engage in a war you didn't have to be in, then get your ass kicked, is silly.
  19. Japan's current PM ...Shinzo Abe is a straight revisionist. He denies Nanking ever happened (belongs to some fringe whacko political group who's main goal is to promote that) also denies Japanese military's use of an estimated 200,000 Korean comfort woman during WWll
  20. If we keep pursuing apologies for events that occurred in war, when will we ever finish?Acknowledge their sufferings, sympathise with them, hold hands and embrace peace. 