A-Bomb Survivors Want Obama to Meet, Apologize in Hiroshima

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by McDreamy, May 19, 2016.

  1. Yeah bugger em
    What they did to pows and civilians under occupation was sick

    They deserved everything they got
  2. yea all those civilians that hurt pow's and civilians
  3. Screw em' they started it period...

    ...someone fire up the Enola Gay I call shotgun

  4. ...tell that to the citizens of Nanking 
  5. So the civilians of hiro/naga were raping and pillaging in Nanking?
  6. It was a world war.
    Civilians died in every nation.
    More died from conventional bombing than from a bombs.
    Those conventional bombing runs did not end the war.
    The threat of having an a-bomb dropped on every city ended the war.
    It was the only option after Japan had proven it would fight to the last man on each island in the Pacific conflict.

    Yes civilians died. It was a horrendous act, it was war and people died.
    Millions more would have died had the Japanese not been forced into surrender.

    They chose to fight to the last man. They refused to surrender against overwhelming odds.
    They had ordered their civilians to fight to the last man in the event of an allied invasion of mainland Japan.

    Yes regret the loss of life.
    Remember what the world learnt from that time.
    But don't say their deaths were a waste of in vane.
    Both the allies and the Japanese as a whole are far better off for the war being brought to an abrupt end.
    Considering the alternative and the millions more that would have died. What would you rather happen?

    The world learnt that peace was a better even if enforced option. And millions more survived the war because it was ended.

    But as for an apology.
    Until the Japanese apologise for the mass murder of prisoners of war.
    Of civilians in China then why should any nation apologise to them for ending the largest conflict the world has ever seen?

    When the next war comes around. And the enemy is killing civilians, doing whatever it takes to win. Are you going to refuse to fight and do what needs to be done to defend your nation in case someone gets hurt.
    Try to be realistic. Wars suck people die.
    But you crying for the victims won't stop the enemy.
  8. While I don't think it was justified, I still think the bombings were necessary to end the war with Japan, and to avenge our fallen soldiers in Pearl Harbor.
  9. It's called war. It's not a pillow fight. People die. Innocents and soldiers. That's what war is.
  10. False. Japan was not going to surrender after the first Atomic bomb because they only thought we had one of them.

    The emperor wanted to surrender after the first but the people refused.
  11. A bomb that killed 80,000 Japanese prevented the U.S. from losing millions of men, and that bomb also saved that Japanese from losing 10's of millions that would've died in the homeland invasion of Japan.
  12. Guys what the hell, it was the Whales and the Dolphins that dropped the bombs remember??

    See, irrefutable proof..
  13. Had they not dropped the atomic bomb, the war would have ended with much more Japanese death. The bomb served it's purpose: shock the Japanese so much that they surrendered. There is no apology here in my opinion.
  14. Screw Obama He has already tarnished our image to all the world leaders on his first apology tour. That would be the reason Putin does whatever he wants.

    I'm not sorry for anything in the past that people are trying to make us atone for it now or the future. I'm not sorry for slavery.... I wasn't alive plus the whole world had slavery. Yet I'm made to suffer and financially support those that refuse to move on. I'm not sorry for Syrian refugees... Able bodied men that could defend their own country running to the free handouts.
    I'm not sorry for the Indians....I wasn't alive but I've played in their casinos. I am sad that college sports are bowing down to groups that have no skin in the banning of college Indian mascots.

    It used to be America First 20-30yrs ago and the country thrived. Obama and the Clintons weakening this country more and more by the minute. Do we as Americans want china or Russia to be number one ? Screw that.
  15. We did what we did to end the rain of terror they had started, no need for apologies. Did they apologize for Pearl Harbor? That's war innocent people get hurt. They brought it on themselves.
  16. Americans are sorry they couldn't drop more bombs, there's their apology
  17. It's sad to see posts like Domo's. It really is.
  18. ...WEEEE! I'm riding shotgun!!!!

     Dōmo arigatō, Mr. Roboto 
  19. It's me and my family against the world. Why should I be punished for others sins ?
    I wont apologize, I did nothing wrong. America should not apologize....we did nothing wrong