
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. Is this still a noob thread?
  2. Incorrect.
    War 1 - NWO/Aurora (Sky/Hotty in NWO)
    War 2 is correct
    Happy KaWing
  3. My understanding it is, since it's created by a noob.
  4. Support to Wolfie. Good read.
  5. I agree with you 100%
  6. Sigh...ok, one more time, I will say it slowly for you: I am a member of an osw clan. We are currently in active osw. I am loyal to my clan, thus focusing my full attention and participation on the targets set forth by the clan leaders. You may also refer to Sky's first post on this thread in which this was already addressed.
  7. Nice thread .... Keep beating her down 
  8. Member of a osw and you're in osw.
    Don't make me laugh, that's historical :lol:

    2 times you have ran to hte clans, last one you spent a week inside a apoc clan. If you was actually fighting for them you'd ride it out to the end. Not when you dam well please.

  9. @Everybody....Including me xD
  10. If you're so loyal... Why did you leave the clan for several days?
  11. To visit friends and replenish pots, and I was directed by leaders to do so. I still participated while not in clan, on strips as well as other targets. We use other apps as our main area for communication, not cc. Say what you want, I do not have to explain my actions at anytime to anyone other than my clan family. However, we are all already on the same page and fully aware of what is going on, thus no such explanation is needed.
  12. +1
  13. As the leader of her clan. I directed her out of the clan. Why. To repot. Since we've already started planning our next war, as this one is winding down with the owner pip and only a few others left active. Whenever we get to this point. I sen members out of clan in loops. Because they don't get enough inc to stay happy. There aren't enough active targets left to go around. And because unlike me most of them prefer to have pots and win their actions.

    As for this nwO me aurora stuff

    NwO went to war with ride or die. Several of us were contacted to come help. We did, but it was late. They end their war

    We accept them into the family. And a war between aurora and nwO breaks out. We go to assist nwO. At the ending of the war. Several aurora members came to us, an unofficial merge. NwO was removed from the family due to issues with their leader. I continued to farm za_killer who had been a main component to that war, he over that time made three or so threads about it. A short ish while ago. Hera contacted me about possibly co owning a clan. I saw no real downside. My family is self sufficient. So myself and a small group of ReBeLs took a short leave and came here. I was still hitting killer. The new nwO leader pip interfered too many times and I started hitting his members. His, and their, responses led to a war breaking out. That was something like two weeks ago that it started.

    Ten days ago April mentioned inc from wolfie. I told her not to hit back. And spoke to Xtreme, as wolfie was considered BH and a cf between April and BH had been reached. He told me he wasn't sure. But I made clear that if he wasn't wolfie may face target time after our war for interfering. Xtreme can verify this if you don't believe me. He won't lie. He knows I have ss.

    Now if wolfie had truly been farming her for so long. Why didn't he leave BH and hit her while we were at peace. Because he's a pansy. Why wait until her clans at war. And her clan leader is well known for telling his members to ignore outside hits and save the name. Because he was afraid we'd retaliate. He continues to hire mp allies. Get one unload in at most on her. Then try to strip again the next day. For those mathematically challenged he is spending money to give her more then she had before only occasionally taking any. He will complain about no inc because she follows directions. Wolfie isn't worth her being distracted from the final goal

    As for chubby. Who loves to show up whenever I'm here. Once again. We joined mg as mercs, and you can verify this with ashes, a council member. We stayed about four days. When wall posts from you and other fury members on the mg members walls complaining about their use of mercs led them to decide to get rid of us. Several were sent a message and asked to leave. Any like myself who were offline were kicked about an hour later. We didn't run. You are unhappy we never surrendered to you. But you never earned our surrender. Rather you convinced others to get rid of us for you

    And roni. Apparently my summons worked. But you should always remember. You are so annoying you were allowed to try out for LSA soley to get your tz and to be stripped. That's a record
  14. No you don't, because there isn't any explanation to justify your constant running away then rejoining. As I said runs away and only takes part when you feel like it, same old typically Hotty.

    If you was really osw you wouldn't even be thinking about leaving clan to pot up your only way to pot up is to hit the other side.
    Btw the only thing you have hit during your "visit" is hte don't even try to lie about that fact, the epic history shows your near constant involvement in epic, even got told off by your friend cos I kept stripping you. If you like I can show the SS ;)

    But anyways, it shows how terrible you're at the concept at war in general, when you need to pot up every week.
  15. That za_killer thing is so damn old, I'm surprised anyone still remembers that.
  16. Woifie was in BH. However he was not considered BH as I told you.
  17. I know. I simply said I asked and you told me that you weren't sure when I asked you. Which was true cause my next message was for you to find out for me. He had been BH. I asked if he still was. That was the extent of our discussion on that
  18. You really want to know what I was doing?

    I was having a discussion with a member within black hand about Hotty after the event she wormed her way out of the clan farm.

    So I said my final good byes to black hand once more so I could carry on hitting her on my own accord completely unrelated to the clan. That is what I was doing because unlike you sky, who is so willing to believe every lie she is coming up with I'm going to carry on hitting her.

    But I'll like to see some prove of me hitting exactly the same time and only when she is being hit by other members in your osw.

    I only came back for the shard event as a guest which I kept on hitting her even though she was the worst paying account going.
  19. As I said before. Hotty an her cf with BH occurred days before you hit her. Something to the number of four. If you weren't waiting for us to be days into an osw. You would have left them days earlier to hit. Not sit there not hitting waiting for our war to get to the point we wouldn't stop to hit you.

    I don't think she doesn't deserve to be hit,by all means if you want to hit her then hit her. But have the balls to do it when you will face the consequences. Not hidding behind others
  20. I'm old!?!?!
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