
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. I'll take 20 :shock:
  2. It seems I am mistaken, my deepest apologies.
  3. when bootsy did her fake retirement to get out of the blackhand versus striptease osw.hottie ran too . she and skylsa left monster garage within days that they joined it for the osw against fury. all they do is big talk and try act as if they so pro fighter and theyd beat you into the ground .but hottie doesnt last the distance just flee's from one osw to the next when it all gets too much for her . and hides behind others to talk for her or only finds a voice with others holding her hand . Go Wolfie Go . whats so funny with this story event which im loving is back then they all used to team up against me but look at the result now .they are fighting each other .thats karma .
  4. Was this the time before or after MG council asked them to leave?
  5. Ouch Milone, I said hi!
  6. Oo, hi sneak, didn't see you <3
  7. Hi Bebs.<3
  8. Hi Bebs. <3
  9. I know who you Iz, my things just perm silenced :3
  10. milone are you monster garage ? hotty n sky fleed to seek refuge and saftey in monster garage .the sole reason they went in m.g was to escape the backlash attacks from thier last osw they were in new world order versus ? . hotty n sky were in n.w.o . .once monster garage began to wise up the real reason theyd turned up into m.g to get a big powerhouse protection . it was only a false deceipt facade that theyd joined to fight fury. so thats why only a few days later they were asked to leave
  11. It was NWO vs Aurora. The owner of Aurora came to sky and asked for sky to make a clan with her.

    Tell me Roni, Why would sky flee from someone who wanted to make a clan with him?

    Although I am not MG, I do have friends there. :)
  12. And sky was not in NWO, he was in Aurora. After the first Aurora war (which ended with a cf), the clan was given to -PippinKid-. Sky was chatting in WC with friends when Pip said rude comments on Sky's wall. Sky responded with war. Pip owned NWO.

    War 1 - NWO/Aurora (Sky/Hotty in Aurora)
    War 2 - NWO/Lev (Sky/Hotty/myself in Lev)
  13. Oh my god wolf that purple is so hard to read
  14. I have made my point. You are known for being stubborn and hardheaded so I will no longer discuss this with you, Roni. This will be my last post towards you. If you would like to speak to me, feel free to wall me. Otherwise, Adiós Roni ;)
  15. Woifie, did you really spell 'Liar' with an e?

    edit:This is disgusting.
    You've humiliated her enough.
    This is obvious hatespeech, how is this thread not locked?
  16. Actually, Milone, we were in NWO against Aurora. That war ended, and as you stated, the owner of Aurora, Hera, is actually co-owner of -Leviathan-, the clan we are at now which is currently at war with NWO. MG council decided they would like to only have MG in clan fighting, and asked our group to leave. Therefore, we were neither running TO nor FROM monster garage.
  18. Hmm, I see this is a defence mechanism.
    Point is:Woifie considers himself intellectual and goes around correcting others when he can't spell a simple four letter word.
    I don't know why, but I laughed when queen disbanded :)
  19. Whoops, One mistake 
  20. haha milone got it wrong hotty n sky were in new world order. seems you just aint fully in the loop of things do know where people were before you make up a twisted version to sheild the war runners from the " what you give out { expect back } " factors.
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