I find it ironic that I was once friends with the people I am now hitting... I would normally go on about random crap that would just get thrown back at me, but this virtual world of KaW is just a file you downloaded from the app store. It's kind of funny really, how people get so mad over text from people they will never know face to face. :lol:
throughout all the drama and crap with Wolfie, I find him to be a great kaw player, a decent dude, and for one enjoy him. He is far from a noon, with much Osw experience, and is really damn mature, in the way he acts, and holds himself. I wish you the best of luck Wolfie, Sincerely~ Jennifer.
Mature in the way he acts? He's filling forums with this useless garbage. Nobody cares about his losing 1v1. Keep it off forums
You didnt quote queen i have a few for you - If you can't beat them join them - Ogre battle - Death on two legs - Who needs you…?
And you just lost my pal room privileges. Retired? Yea. But I still am sent links to certain threads, and this one made the cut. Congrats on your thread.
Hotty is? No no no, Rob. You are mistaken. It was never an OSW as I was told by Pip, himself. We, -LeViaTHaN-, Hotty and myself, were just farmers bullying poor Pip's clan. We left due to lack of hits.
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