You cared enough to post. If you read careful and configure these stranger symbols in a unique order you'll read the line, "this thread isn't for you for one person alone"
Val. How many times over the years have I had to do something before you. Let's go back. I hit Swabia. Make a forum thread declaring war on his clan. Few months later guess who's on the Swabia hating band wagon, after going on about how it didn't take any balls on my part to hit him. I make a clan for only my alts. Make all the names similar. A year later after you bash it there's the worms. I farm a worm. You offer one of my guys admin to become one. Are we noticing a trend. After this many years you need to hop off, my laps getting sore from your useless ass Just cause I don't grow doesn't mean I can't still swing against the big boys and remind them of their roots And wolfie. Nothing you've done has earned you anything. Your support comes from Val and his supporters. And a couple ee warriors. You literally have the support everyone else in the pvp world hates. The only way to make it worse for yourself would be if roni and jenni supported you Edit- Life. Which one. Both of those I went to help them, and am now against them. In both me and the few hitters I brought to help were recognized by the other clan. Deny it all you want but in the second most perms of the enemy clan are now friends or family or left completely. That doesn't happen to inactive non hitters
No your only care at the moment is, what excuse should I come up next and how amazingly should I cry to the next clan. Lets not forget as well about what pitiful ally you're going to need next to waste mith on trying to hide.
What lol? You declared war and Swabia then I copied you? Son. I've been in the bigger.. BIGGER leagues. I farm people you can't even imagine being able to achieve a success hit on. You follow in my footsteps. I don't follow your snail trail. Didnt even say I support wolfie, I just said, you have big stats and they scare me a lot. So I don't know where your getting "all your support comes from val". And also. I offered you admin coz you farmed a worm? What the **** are you talking about lol. All I did was poach good EE warrers I found. The only admins I ever gave where of close friends. We only accepted max equip accounts so I highly doubt id give the time of day looking at your hooves and leonine arm plate account
Ok this is getting annoying now tho. I liked the thread but please dont go back and forth with hotty on forums. We dont care that much.
Why are people such attention seeking bastards these days? This thread is utterly pointless. Lots of 1v1's happen around KaW, daily. Yet you feel the need to make a thread about it. Yes its high quality, but its also utterly pointless. Keep your 1v1's to yourself, because the forums are not the place to try and bring yourself into the spotlight.
And I also copied your names?????? WAT. Lmao. Worms was one of the first, if not the second clan to become barcodes for EE war. We created roster stacking in the EE beta.