
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. Why did I find this so funny.....
  2. anyone that doesn't find this funny, has no soul.
  3. What is forum for? Broadcast what is worth Broadcasting . And this one is well done and funny :') if you didnt care why you even spent a second to open and post here. Just enjoy the show.
  4. This is still going seriously lol
  5. not after osw it was during . hz coldAssHonkeyLSA took a lot of stick for you .defended you and when you couldnt handle the backlash from los lapins you ran away and reset. leaving coldasshonkeyLSA to deal with the repurcussions that your mouth got him the raw end off by los lapins.and you return after that heat n osw is over. not really a fighter are you shadows you just flap them lips n runs when it brings trouble upon you. leaving LSA to clear up the mess you created.

  6. The irony of you talking about someone running their mouth... You can't tell the truth yet alone track for ****. All you do is run your mouth and attempt to bring everyone's alts to light. Where do you get your info? The Big Book of Complete ********?
  7. Roni I reset after osw. It was just me and coldasshonkey. Learn your facts.
    He chose to get involved with my fight against LLC.
    Anyway, this is all irrelevant as it happened years ago xD
  8. Dumb *****, Sky is twice the person you will ever be. I ain't his friend, but he would never NEVER ABANDON HIS MATES. Sky fights till the end, and does not surrender. You need to sthu with your bogus lies Veronica.
  9. Sounds like there are two sides of a story going on...
  10. How do we know each other on a first name or are we just making up names? Lol
  11. Edit: post completely removed due to having too much gold out to make jokes :lol:
  12. I can see now why zaft doesn't like their noobs posting on forum. You should just quit while you're still behind idiot.
  13. shadows you reset during that osw and ran away . i followed this osw because i kept on getting accused of being burk who was insulting lsa during that osw. so i write on that war thread im not burk that it probly was slayer trying to throw some controversy in the mix.and bootsy you are irrelivant in this story you are a known 6 times osw war runner .ohh no wait up bootsy you can stay n park.Theres a vital link between you and shadows/imf and that is youve both got a known history of RUNNING FROM OSW'S and RESETTING.
  14. Key word "story."

    ***** there's not a damn thing you are relevant to.
  15. I never reset here, and imp is the only account I've ever reset.
    Check your facts roni.
    I love osw. I don't run. Granted, I haven't been into too much trouble lately, but there was a time when it was war after war.
    Stop running your mouth when you don't know facts xD
  16. What's the connection of me being zaft and me posting on my friend's thread. And at least I post with my main :')

  17. Don't even bother trying to set the facts straight. Ronis tiny ass brain can't comprehend a damn thing due to all the voices in her head.
  18. Roni has no brain at all
  19. I feel like Ronni is just sitting in a corner somewhere with a bag of fiery hot cheetos making random **** up and seeing what sticks and every time it does she eats another cheeto to grow the mass of fat that has developed and is rapidly multiplying.

    Just a theory, but then again full of as much bull **** as anything Ronni has said.
  20. jenni go back into the eb and stay self pinned for the rest of the night you been like it for 8 hours already . and jenni are you thick read back again were talking about shadows/ imf running away in the middle of los cretin lapins osw with LSA Elite and she reset. i never sayd it was skyLsa on this occasion. you have to laugh how outsiders try to jump in to wrap a loving wing of protection around thier kaw sweethearts. But dont get the story in the right order and completly speak things that werent sayd.
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