
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. and shadows you dont do nothing from your own line of thought .all you do is jump on the bandwagon snd copy what wolfie does to me the spelling and punctuation grammar nazi stupidness. the last time i challenged you to be your own person and show how creative you are and do your own forum thread. but you aint that bright all you do is re phraze all that i have already written .
  2. Ha! Roni hits anyone? Lolololol :D Ive been waiting for months!
  3. plenty have sayd that i do jenni so you look stupid with that sarcastic remark. i hit you also before and you never hit back but you wrote pretend comments on forums that you was hitting me and i didnt hit you back .when the truth was it was you not hitting me at all.
  4. You haven't hit me back?
  5. I'm her to say roni does hit, maybe fails, but it's hits. Where do you think I got my defence achievement from?
  6. Lol I haven't even insulted your grammar. You're truly a couple fries short of a happy meal.
    Alison and wasn't worth my time. I have no issue hitting back, but its more fun for me when they rage like poor little roni
  7. Yesss... Im getting inc from both of the most unintelligent people on the game ;)
  8. Shadows ! the forum leach. I thought you had gone inactive after being farmed out of the game? I'm glad you're still around you pathetic tryhard. You pay skinny better than apherium.
    Thank you for volunteering to be my new epic battle, except you're not epic and you have no clue how to battle. Idiot.
  9. whose raging you dont hit back at all .your in the eb .it wasnt evdn started yet you jumped into the eb when it did. you didnt hit back alison a few weeks ago and you havent hit me now. and i dont hit smaller accounts but today your thd exception . because your another leech who only comes out the woodwork when i talk. but the outstanding message here is become a personality from doing something on your own first. dont use other peoples lime light to try get a name for yourself. i already stated it before. but take note of it shadows cause its so written for you. " you either shine on your own or not at all " . and right now nobody knows you. not from when you played on all your other accounts and when you returned not even on your shadows / crimsonVixen account.but like a leech you try to insult me because you aint got nothing solid about you that you can do something outstanding alone. you are just jealous of me that is evident .
  10. Allison still posting with alts. Just because I'm not on forums doesn't mean I'm inactive.
    Bottom line is you're not worth my time. You're BFE makes you hard to hit, and I'm sure you have no pots.
    I could care less about inc from you. I have better things to focus on.
    Run your mouth Alison, the only respect you get is from the idiots like yourself :lol:
  11. I don't care who knows me. I'm not out to make a name for myself or be attention whores like you and Alison. ;) good try though
  12. That's not Alison, Alison has better grammer, and spelling.
  13. Is shadows account even worth a dollar?
  14. Everyone arguing on this threads account costs the same as a coconut
  15. Jenni no love for this noob? XD
  16. @shadows. The "not worth my time" is a tired and worn out excuse for a Kingdom that can't fight. As for pots. I always have full pots. You should buy some also so I can earn more from you.

    Come out of pin and skinny will be there. Have a nice day moron.
  17. Sure I love ya.
  18. I'm not pinned moron xD
    I have more important targets than some self important imbecile thinking she's good at a tap tap game.
    Hit me. I have nothing to lose.
    You and roni might try out something called 'real life'. :lol:
  19. I'm sorry I know my full attention for you is something you desire, but alas, I cannot fulfill your wishes. My deepest apologies.
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