
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. stryke im female and i fighted woifie for over a year . i didnt use the im a girl and defenseless and helpless excuse for stop picking on me .no i fighted him back . and i was my own voice . hotty is proving how weak of a female she really is .
  2. No support...

    Noobs like you are all talk no fight, you feel you need recognition from the rest of the kaw community to mean something.

    Now run along little one.,
  3. Not playing the helpless woman card, just setting the scene to this creepy and obsessive post.
  4. Does anyone else find it funny when a statless alt yells at the OP because there to scared they will get farmed if they use there main
  5. Roni, we are all sadly aware that you are your own voice. Again, I have not played any card, and no one comes to your defense because you never...shut...up. You call me trashy, a weak female, but take a look in the mirror or listen to yourself ramble on incessantly every now and then; you will see that you aren't even half the woman I am.
  6. damm right im not half the woman you are and i wouldnt want to be a iota of the trailer trash that you are. the comments that you put for deni's medical side effects .that you put on a 9+ and newly updated to 11+ game shows how sleazy you are. you didnt think about the younger children that would be still playing this game and thats you whose meant to be a mature and all woman female. do drop your big ego . facts are im in a osw also for a few weeks . without hesitation i hit the idiots who tryed to troll me or be nasty to me . you can still throw out a few hits to the ones not related to your osw. the fact you refuse to hit wolfie justs shows that all you are is big words in writting but gutless behind it. and a decent clan watching on seeing all this so called verbal abuse and apparent bullying a meek female who does no wrong.any good clan if you helped them in thier osw theyd say to you hotty just take a few days away and hit him hard non stop make him know that you dont take the rubbish hes diverting your way and make him ever regret using you as his next target. but hotty wake up they useing you for your " muscle power " and not putting you first.

  7. lmao really guy?? really?? it is a video game where gender means wait for it.. noooooothinggggg

    where are all the popcorn gifs and such?!? typical kaw drama with the same old characters. it is hilarious how much people bring not only their personal life but take this so seriously it affects them. play around have fun and stop trying to have some social circle with a group of people who will never be able to hold your hand through the trouble or pick you up when you trip and fall. yea I'm sure some feel this way about their little circles but it just is not true. if you delete the app with those other ones this game and everyone will slowly go away. forever. but that is just words of advice. continue on this stuff cracks me up.
  8. Actually, Chameleon, F8l Stryke and his wife got me into this game. Why? Because his wife and I have been best friends for over 20 years. We live approximately 6 minutes apart. So yes, we are real people who know each other.
  9. A moment of silence for the guy living close to you
  10. i believe it but i mean there are very few yet people involve a looooot of the community
  11. Do I need to translate for roni again?

    I know you missed me roni dearest ;)
  12. It would be helpful, I've come to realise it's to demanding to translate for free. Not worth the loss in brain cells.
  13. go for it shadows . you are just another hotty you run your mouth in forums yet when your farmed you do nothing and play dead. its sweet how i get all the fleas trying to come alive useing my name . your no different shadows aka crimosonVixen . you lack origionality you copyed woifie about me before and your going to do it again . how quant . not got anything different to show you have your own style. just continue on doing the same repeat pattern . as i always state you have the leaders and then you have the followers . FOLLOWERS being you shadow. hey play dead some more when you get attacked .like deja-vu
  14. Roni thanks for the love taps <3
    You hurt me bad. I had 11 mil out and now I have 0.
    Please help.
    I run my mouth as much as you madame, just not with the same level of idiocy.
    In fact, I've been off forums for a bit. But seeing someone as dull as you is always amusing.
    Keep insulting me ;) every word you say makes you look dumber. And of course, I always enjoy my love taps.
  15. Roni I love how you bring up my other name. Its just as irrelevant as this one. If we're playing the name game you may as well name all my accounts.
    I don't play dead xD this is the first time I've ever got you mad enough to hit me and its hilarious. I was actually doing something and came back to a lovely newsfeed.
  16. Good thread op. Nice n neat.
  17. how you lie shadows a few weeks ago my friend was farming you and you didnt hit back not even once
  18. Proof or it didn't happen xD
    I haven't gotten inc for quite a while.
    Did you set your 'friend' on me? How cute.
  19. why would i set any one on you i hit anybody that shows in my news.and its alison who farmed you so i need not say no more . you didnt hit back once .
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