
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. I never denied that you may have said something there, only that it was not the only place. Cherry pmed me as a friend wanting to know why it was happening, then later expressed her frustration that you refused to stop it. I told her not to worry about it, that it was not a big deal on my end.
  2. First of all, you've got the music taste of a seven year old girl :)

    Secondly, you're wrong about the pots.

    Your boyfriend hasn't even replied to my message about his sandy ******.

    Anyway, tell me how that surgery goes...
    The one to cure his hemorrhoides.

    edit:It's disappointing when an apoc clan don't follow through with their 'face rearrangement' you guys aren't as fun as wdgaf.
    Pretty lame, actually.

  3. viewtopic.php?f=11&t=122854 = the forum cease fire thread goofy wrote to dragons elite clan. anybody can go and ask bobdole420 of dragons elite what threats goofy made to daario snow and his family to make him be dragons elite clan farm
  4. Clearly affecting you more than you are making yourself believe, otherwise id of never had your clan friends pming me that I'm picking on you, or having Omar randomly pop up in my pm saying to drop it nor would I of had that person telling me stripping is breaking 1v1.
  5. Where's the proof that that is my alt?
  6. My acct is literally on that thread calling him butthurt! Lmao. Learn before your speak, idiot
  7. what are the odds i pull up info on goofy about his old account and by a mad fluke his alt is on the thread also. more like he planted a alt account of his to spy in dragons elite .so you can play on both sides of the fence.
  8. Totally. Ask anybody know knows me. My alt is Hidude2010
  9. I feel like a broken record. How many times do I have to say it, what other people choose to do is just that, their choice. To be honest, I was not even aware of most of these requests on my behalf, though I certainly appreciate the concern. Omar pmed me yesterday only after reading this thread, and I had no idea he had spoke to you til you just now told me. Why is it so hard to comprehend? Have you never gone to bat for a friend, even though they did not ask you to or said they are fine? I have on numerous occasions, in fact I am more likely to stand up for a friend than I am to worry about myself. Or maybe, God forbid, there are some people who just don't like you? I am responsible for my own actions, as are you. So if you are questioned about yours, then it is up to you to respond, not me. No matter how much you try to twist this around, it is not my fault if someone does not agree with or like what you say and/or do.
  10. So basically your reason is that our names are similar? Your just trying to make up random crap because you know that's the only way you can beat someone. Well guess what. Your dumb. Your farming skill are horrendous. You suck at pvp. And your a forum noob trying to make a name for themselves
  11. Roni... At least TRY to win your scouts
  12. keep staying dtw goofy yet talk big i hit you and you quickly make yourself dtw by going into the eb .
  13. your just upset i know your previous existance on kaw till you got clan farmed by dragons elite.so you ran onto another account
  14. No, I'm upset because you are a moron that does not no what she is talking about
  15. There are like 5 different arguements on this thread :lol:
  16. :lol: So true
  17. I'm lost reading them all 
  18. I'm not, if you disagree with roni you'll be fine
  19. Roni is my hero
  20. The fact you put so much time and effort into a forum post for a pvp proves that your noob rage tears is leaving the biggest puddle. Kudos for beating up on a girl, hopefully that makes you feel better when your doing your buffalo bill dance in the mirror. Hotty, it rubs lotion on its skin, it does what it is told!
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