
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. Yes I really do think I'm losing a 1v1 and as I've not even had a single hit from the other side. I'm trying to understand your logic here.

    One dishing it out is the one who is losing, never mind the fact, that it has cried to everyone imaginable, or the fact that it cries over small strips let alone hasn't got a single ally to it's name. Or even the fact that it's beat tactic to pvp is to hit hte and pray to god I forgot.

    But what's great about all this is the ones who are mostly hating are the ones who have next to no input on forums. It's exactly like back seat driving yet you don't know how to drive a car.

  2. LMAO I know right. Roni's created like eight different stories about who I am.
  3. Since when do I have no input here?

    I'm just here to state a fact or two.

    1. Woifie, I know enough about you to know you choose your targets based on a couple of things
    2. Roni has sided with you, you have lost all credibility.
    3. You're making some bold accusations of Hotty running to everyone, when I know that she in fact hasn't run to anyone
    4. This thread is now a flame fest in which I'll be leaving ️
  4. Because you have said jack ****, the only time you speak is when you have people pulling your lead, and I hardly call being in a osw which I add you're hardly ever in, is a excuse for hiding so much. Anyways what shy has said is mostly fairy dush sprinkled on garbage he pulled out of his own ass.
  5. He lost all credibility when he faked a quote from Hotty!

    "-_hotty_- wrote:"
    No you dumb ass liar. It would be -_Hotty_-.

    Roni can blame the tea towel incident, what the **** is your actual malfunction though?
  6. As though one must be a great forum warrior in order to know something about pvp, or simply how to read. I have hit you, numerous times when my clan was at peace. I have never once cried about your fail strips, unless they were tears of laughter or sarcasm, because I have gained and you have lost on every attempt. And I dont have any allies to my name? Ask anyone who knows me, I never keep more than mp allies when I am in osw, less hassle and even successful strips would be no big deal. Also, I do have a couple alts, as well as more than a few close aquaintances...did ya ever think that maybe I self-stripped before bed last night??? And that maybe I am buying them back today??? No, I have certainly not been praying that you will forget lol; I save my prayers for things that are actually important and acknowledgable. In fact, being of such little significance to me, please don't forget, otherwise I just might.
  7. wrong rikkiDefect troll never c.f on me . we became friends

  8. No.

    You declared you loved him, and he ran for the hills.
  9. Lol boots, but roni, my conversation with troll speaks otherwise. But anyway, enjoy your delusions and whatever other fantasys you concoct with your inept brain functions roni. ️
  10. 1. Woifie, I know enough about you to know you choose your targets based on a couple of things

    I'm not sure what you meant by that, but my only targets are ones that choose me, I don't go around whack wc when I feel like it just when someone has said something.

    2. Roni has sided with you, you have lost all credibility.

    Tell me about it I'm not happy about it as someone said. One act of kindness doesn't undo all the wrong someone has done. I can't exactly throw her off thread either, due to fact she hasn't done any derailment.

    3. You're making some bold accusations of Hotty running to everyone, when I know that she in fact hasn't run to anyone.

    I can give you a small list, haven't SS it all, but I can prove how she's been using others to get me to stop. I've had people long before thread talking about how I'm picking on her. One attempted to kick me out of a clan.
  11. Wolfie be my sensei please, im willing to learn the ropes, accept me as your student(serves you tea)
  12. ha hotty in the " almost 2 years anniversary of you joining kaw " you only have 130;637 wins aint you just the osw and pvp badasss .NOT
  13. IxRIOTxI_GlI0I0lIFIlY_IxTOWNxI = goofys old account.hes abandoned it because he became clan farm of dragons elite clan for threatening to kill daario snow and his family. he made a cease fire thread shortly afterwards . you aint so mature are you goofy you havd a tainted and shadey kaw past.which u thought no one knew about
  14. bootsy everything about you is hearsay . you try to portray your something that your not . you proved how jealous you are over the real origional barbie account lo /kiss of death . you were nasty to her and you did the same to me and diablo .who are more ghetto fabulous than you . you try act all kooky but you are so transparent and fake its funny seeing you continue.
  15. Oh god, here comes the village idiot to ruin everyone's day. Get out of here roni, you inbred. No one understands you

  16. Yea because I totes want to be ghetto fab... Yea no

    And Kiss of Lo looks like smashed ass (quote me on it, IDC) LOL.

    I'm not jealous of any of the mentioned or anyone in act, except Tom Brady's wife *sigh*
  17. [​IMG]

  18. Have you ever once considered that all these people you claim has tried to act on my behalf perhaps did so of their own accord? As in, they heard about it from somewhere, or maybe they happened to be around when you failed a strip on me and asked me about it? Then chose to try to help a friend even without her knowledge? I do know that some have came to you because they are part of my clan or it's family of clans, and are certainly entitled to inquire about situations of this nature. One may have also been not only a good friend of mine but also a co-owner of an Apoc clan in which I was a clearly labelled guest of hers, yet you chose to attempt a strip on me during that time. I am pretty sure she confronted you not because I am a friend or I "cried" to her, because she knows I can handle myself. If I had to guess, it had more to do with it being an act of disrespect to her guest at her clan. I would feel the same way. You want to play the ss card? I can dig through my pms and find quite a few from people offering to take care of this completely or to assist me, all people who have came to me and not the other way around. Even more came in after this thread made its first appearance yesterday. Some I guess were just being a good friend to me, some I barely know...apparently you have made more than one enemy in your time here lol. Point is, though, that I have politely not accepted these offers, however I am not anyone in kaw's mother and do not make decisions for anyone.
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