
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. Go wolfie Go hit hottie with the killer blow and make her go K/O
  2. hotty carrys on as if shes a veteran of kaw lol shes only been playing kaw for 11 months .yes you so right i bow down to your immense and over powering domminance on kaw
  3. How ironic that Missy happens to be a very good friend of mine, Roni. And yes, I have the one year badge, but it will be two years in one month. So I have been around longer than you think. But you go ahead and keep cheering like a schoolgirl for someone who has openly ripped you apart verbally on numerous occasions, even stating on this very thread that he doesn't exactly welcome your support. Nobody needs to talk about you to make you look ridiculous, you accomplish that all on your own. Take this bit of advice from someone older and wiser: Sometimes it is best to just shut up; the best reaction is very often not having one at all.
  4. Jealous of you? Is that possible?
  5. Add foeCONTACT -_HOTTY_-USER STATISTICSJoined:Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:08 amLast visited:Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:26 pmTotal posts:189 | Search user’s posts(0.02% of all posts / 0.27 posts per day)Most active forum:Wars(80 Posts / 42.33% of user’s posts)Most active topic:KOTFE DENIES BH ABILITY TO HIDE ITS WHINING WITH NEW THREAD(22 Posts / 11.64% of user’s posts)
  6. i cheer for what i see as a right corze .it doesnt matter to me if ive fighted that person and became friends or am still fighting them . and bootsy n hotty are trashy with no class its public knowledge they both sent sleazy photos of them selves to the men in blackhand to advance themselves in that clan
  7. Troll gave a CF because he was bored, and had better paying targets.

    Also roni, you know nothing of me. Commenting on my location, my age, anything about me is quite funny as I read through your rants. Yes, I don't exactly read it all because I can't make any sense of it. But to be perfectly honest, I don't think anyone really cares too much about what you have to say.

    As for this thread, woifie you walked a fine line between open flaming and harassment in the OP, and right now it's getting derailed by roni, wonder how much longer before someone locks it.

    This is a false statement, maybe you should learn the actual truth behind that whole story rather than trying to use it as an insult
  8. Thank you for proving me right, Roni. Join date January 2013. In one month it will be January 2015. Do the math. As for the other remark, I have said on more than one occasion that I did not do any such thing, though even if I had wanted to it is my business. I am a grown damn woman and do not need to justify my actions to you or anyone else. Nor will I waste one more breath on this ridiculous rumor. You need to rethink your definition of trash, dear, because in my opinion spreading blatant lies about my personal life without any proof whatsoever is the epitome of trashy. But whatever, if talking about me or Boots or Rikki or Sky makes you feel better about yourself, then have at it; I am done talking to you, i.e. banging my head against a brick wall repeatedly.

  9. Hold up. Hold up. Hold up.

    Have you seen me? Because I've seen me. Not to be conceited, wait I'm completely conceited. Hmmm... But damn I AINT JEALOUS OF A SINGLE MOTHER FUCKER. And nuh Hotty didn't cry to me, she can handle her own.



  10. That's a nice thread, wish more would put that amount of effort in
  11. Noooo, not the towel, Bootsy, anything but that! And fyi, I have seen you, and you are hot. That is not being conceited, simply having good eyesight. ;-)
  12. no wonder you ran and made a new account
  13. Hotty, have you never heard Roni's towel story?!!!!

    I really think Roni and Woifie are the same person tbh. Like Woifie would totally make up a Roni character to talk **** about himself and then talk himself up, all too get attention.
  14. Of course I have heard that sad, unfortunate story. And ya know, you could be onto something there...what if he/she is also SkinnyMinny/Alison? Could there be others? *cue X-Files theme music*
  15. No the real big mystery is why you hide so much? I mean how does one cry so much, I expect this from people who are just starting out.

    Not even a single hit, shame on you
  16. bootsy talks BIG yet she asked ty to request a ceasefire on her behalf from blackhand . lol .
  17. How is it a mystery after not only myself but also Sky has explained it umpteen times in the last 24 hours alone? Hell, even people just reading through this have called you out on asking the same questions repeatedly after you have already been given answers numerous times. As for me "hiding", um, are you blind? I am right here, I am always easy to find.
  18. WTH?!

    That's news to me. I would absolutely positively never do annnnnnny such thing.
  19. I lold, boots doesn't send anyone to get a CF for her, and I doubt Ty would do it for her, he'd more than likely laugh and hit Blackhand with her.
  20. Isn't it amazing just how much we can learn about ourselves just by reading forums? I can't believe I was so unaware of myself before
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