
Discussion in 'Wars' started by WOLFIE, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1. As soon as roni sides with you, OP loses all credibility.
  2. I thought you retired again, or was it bought another account, wait I know you tried making another failed clan again didn't you, hmm no that's not it.

    Ah yes you cried and whimpered away about how much you was farmed last time you showed yourself on forums.
  3. In all honesty the purpose was to get the sniffling coward to hit, since I've tried everything else. :shock:
  4. rikkiDefect its not about having credibility its about telling the truth.im sorry did i hurt your feelings when i sayd you dont have anything rememberble redeeming quality that makes you stand out alongside the kaw Greats ? your just a regular jack joe . but yeah keep saying i dont have credibility . i have more than you know. but whatever makes you feel you are " the man ". your what 30+ and you try knock a minors personality down to make your self feel more "the man". im not talking about me say what ever u want about me. but wolfie and me are from uk .which we dont keep a secret and uk to usa age rules are a different topic . in usa under 21 your still not a adult . so aint you the big man rikki trying to insult wolfie for having a sense of fun and not being all rigid n stuck up and prudeish like you are rikkiDefect. id rather have a 100 of wolfie's than 1 boring n stale rikkiMaru's . but then thats just me roni " no credibility "
  5. chucks sasuka a bone he needs something to keep him busy. because only way he finds something to talk about is when we give him the words to talk about .our input is the key that he comes alive .so chuck him a bone and he will bury himself ib that hole hes been digging for himself and gnaw away on something else juicy and edible . you have to feel sorry for the vultures who only jump in with a few one liners but any thing longer to speak about they cant sustain and just sit wagging thier tail till the general public comment some more.
  6. Oh roni, you're so illiterate it's almost pathetic.

    Does Troll still pay attention to you?
  7. sasuke why dont you ask the man himself troll if he still pays me attention or neglects me. or would that be called faceing your fears and you aint got the self esteem .
  8. It took you quite some time to think up a reply but I suppose that's understandable since you're so uneducated :)

    Also I don't really care how troll treats you, I was using a past event against you.
    I suppose you don't understand that either, shame.
  9. haha you are scared to ask him arent you sasuka and jokes on you now though.but only me n troll would know the true meaning of that cause u too afraid to enquire about it to him . and knew it wouldnt be long before hotty cryed to bootsy. shes the one who dragged hotty down to her level of having no-class and trashy. now hotty is just a mirror image of bootsy. once blackhand turfed them both out they bit the dust and just live in the shadows.Thier kaw heydays are over
  10. Lol what's no class and trashy is your grammar and sentence structuring.
    I mean did you even pass grade 3?
  11. @Sasuke
    Hope putting someone down because of their grammar makes you feel better about yourself, not everyone gets a perfect education, not everyone on kaw is perfect at english and grammar including me, go ahead and correct me you lowlife piece of ****
  12. That's all he has
  14. @Roni: Why hate on Rikki? Sasuke? Bootsy? Anyone else that dares to be my friend and/or call wolfie out? Jealousy, perhaps? I suppose I can understand that, seeing how I can write legible forum posts that, more importantly, have an actual point; and I guess I have not seen very many true Roni supporters around KaW, so it must be hard to see someone else who actually has real friends and/or enough maturity and common sense that even complete strangers make note of it. I truly do feel sorry for you, your self-esteem is so low that you only feel good about yourself if you are riding the coat tails of someone else who spews inflammatory remarks and incites hate campaigns for little to no reason. Yes, I count Bootsy as a close friend. And yes, we are alike in a lot of ways. However, she never "dragged me down" to any level. I am actually quite a bit older, and I am simply me, I stopped trying to please other people by kissing ass long ago, it is a waste of time and I am too damn old to play petty games in life. So yes, she and I have that in common, I suppose. If that is what you classify as trashy and low class, or if the actions of yourself and wolfie represent the opposite, then I gladly plead guilty as charged.

    Oh, and for your future reference, in the United States the legal age for adulthood is not 21 as you erroneously stated, it is 18. Therefore, no one has been "harassing a minor" when directing comments at Wolfie.
  15. Oh but you're not verbally attacking others for no reason.
    Also, y u mad?
  16. No support, Infy! :p
  17. @sasuke
    I'm not mad bro, but your dtw both ways surprise surprise.
  18. Actually get in line.
    You're not the only one after my head.
    Anyway, hopefully you get that sand out of your ****** :)
  19. hotty firstly they talked about me without me knowing they exist on kaw. i knew bootsy months before i had even heard of you .id been fughting bootsy since march/april time because shes jelous of me . i only got to know of u when she joined blackhand . and get real you bedn playing kaw for 1 year . you aint nobody to be jealous of . only one id like to be more like is missy shes a sweet and placid and much respected lady on kaw . and a very talented person fighter in the ee world and generally on kaw. you are a flat line who aint even made your mark on kaw so get over yourself . rikkiDefect and sasuke spoke about me so tit for tat .and i couldnt care less who your friends are . i dont hate any one just for being merely my enemys friend i will say things based on how they try to jump on the bandwagon without never having a arguement or fight with that person .
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