__PERSEPOLIS__...who be this??

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WhiteHazeBBR3, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Lmfao 6 months hes been waring u guys for 6 months 1 vs clans u must give him a lot of respect
  2. Loooooool ya he made u angry and made a lot of u so angry thats right haha
  3. That's not correct. He hasn't been in fighting them for 6 months. Has been about 3 weeks or less
  4. Looooool 6 months hun lol wake up
  5. Sorry. But that information is incorrect, he has not been in their ca for more than 3 weeks
  6. lol __persepolis__ look like he has someome up his u know what lol kiss it kiss it.
  7. Post with a main, or no one cares noob.

    Also how should I report this tosser's name?
  8. If he is not very importent and made a lot of u cryes u didnt post anything here
  9. or maybe is his own ___ss
  10. I am a noob lol who told u im not a noob ?
  11. yes yes lol pers is crazy he even farmed me be4 lol but we say the truth he is crazy and from the best in kaw
  12. Pers I assume that's you! Believe me your not important we gave little old Ali more attention then you. From what I hear you couldn't farm your way outta a paper bag but hey that's just rumours and speculation! As for being in the CA for 6 month lol we didn't even know you existed till you showed up biting at our ankles. Now run a long along like a good boy and play nicely in the sandbox before you get hurt!!


    KotFE please refrain from posting this thread thank you!
  13. Lol nice cc kotfe haha no im not pers i hope he appologies soon but i dont think hr will ohhh no sorry i mean im sure he will never kick hes a$$ guys
  14. According to his wall, Pers is mad! He does not want to comment on this forum and defend his honor. He's mad because his clan got butchered and disbanded, and is now trying to be the butcher? It looks like all he is giving last rights is wins (priceless don't you think) which only benefits his enemy?

    I don't understand how losses generate gold for him (I'm a noob).
  15. Lol look at the cute little alt
  16. Lol pers is such a bad ass. He's fearless. He takes on clans with a pure spy with no allies all the time. It's also an alt. That he can no longer legitimately play. Sooooo awesome. One day I want to be as awesome as pers I want to be a punching bag and not be able to play my alt, all the while hiding my main cuz I'm too awesome to bring it Into battle. Cuz I'm that awesome. I wanna be a pot burner pest too. Could you teach me pers? I would be forever grateful if you could teach me how to annoy clans with a pure spy ally-less alt. I would be almost as awesome as you are
  17. In all reality if pers was as bad ass as he claims, he would be doing more than just pot burning. He would be stripping members on a regular basis. With a main acct. He wouldn't be hiding behind some pansy pure spy alt. That truly is the cowards way to war. And pers is one of the biggest cowards ever. If he was such a bad ass he would be pinning everyone bashing him on this thread. And stripping us too.
  18. I hear u Satan, have you ever fought any of his other accounts (main)? If so, how did that go?

    I wonder why pers won't post :( ?
  19. No I never fought any of his accts. The "fight" consisted of him making threats, getting perm pinned til I bored of him, and him never returning hits. Just begging LR a month later to place me in CA. Along with a whole lot of nOob tears and butthurt. He knows better than to bring his main out against a real bad ass