__PERSEPOLIS__ vs. Epic Fate

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIl__CYRUS__lIl, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. Noob 9/9/1 att p:45
  2. Noob 15/15/? Stl p:47

    Damn Alzheimer's
  3. My respect to LOA and my old LOA friends, Ty what u counting newbie? How many times u washed ur butt or what??  too sad BH letting in nooblet guests, i gotta talk to ur owner
  4. Talk to whoever you want. We do what we want when we want. I notice you have made one account pure spy already. Too weak eh? Can't take the heat?  I'm sorry for your lack downstairs 
  5. But its cool I have butthurts in every single clan in kaw, they are all over the game, typical newbies just mess up with me and have to find another clan to stay safe and grow up lol, well u dont have to, i let u stay where u are and like rahl228 just ask me anytime u want to upgrade i promise not to hit u while u have cash out, would that be fair nooblets ?? 
  6. What do u mean to Whoever? Owner o BH is not Whoever have some respect nooblet
  7. You might have the "respect" of fools but you don't impress me with your fail builds. I don't respect anyone and I don't need anyone's imagined respect.

    The day you start getting b2b successes on me I may be concerned....  who am I kidding?! If you kawed as hard as you keyboard war you might get somewhere.
  8. Better make that 2 pure spies. Cyrus just turned pure spy. You gonna bore everyone to death??
  9. Ok Ty im signing u up nooblet, paper works might take time as there are two more clans to hit but i can welcome another noob butthurt to the party. Where did i first kick ur butt can u remind me so i can put it under ur file??
  10. Oh yeah good point im boring everyone to death, usually i bore them about a year and they litterally die  im gonna bore u though cause u gotta jump up and down on eggplants and sing old mcdonald had a farm for us 
  12. No talent no future, sounds good 
  13. bet they didn't sleep for days after losing a massive 28b
  14. So far their loss is 220B, lost to one player alone, whenever anyone of u butthurts talkingcould take 200B off a clan single handed then give me a shot to let u jump on  but before that just zip it up and watch how I take 1T and more of this clan, u butthurt noobs keep in mind 200B is only potssssd, I have made way more than this stealing and attacking these newbie toys in Epic Fail (Epic Fate)  so give me a shot whenever u ready
  15. Wow you talk a lot of
  16. You have a lot of emoji
  17. Twisted u got problem with that ? jump on my emojies , right here 
  18. But since u cant handle this u better zip it up like other butthurts here
  19. Seems legittalker