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Any other false crap about me i don't feel like i need to prove wrong you can shove it up your ass or question me in my newsfeed️DBOB️
Really persepolis you and your alts going after another clan....well u put up a fight but eh w.e I guess. Zerg still rules you xD lol goodluck
Well pers as annoying as you are I guess I can't fault you for playing how you like to. Epic - pers talks a big game, but he will show up in news for quite some time, ill give him that
Although I will say when u said 1v1 no one mebtioned anything about not.being able to use alt accounts so technically it was still a 1v1 lol
Lol ok kingtre only if u say It will be stopped but yeah they say 1v1 and then get all their family into this 1v1 but who cares this a war game and Im enjoying it
Hey, Perse, do you realise you're my first clan farm? I'm all excited. The fact you don't have a clan to back you up, tells its own story. Talk ****, enjoy the fan effect.
No clan back up means that no one is prepared to believe his shitty story or take his shitty attitude and mouth - tells you what kind of player he is . Sure he will unload a few but I'll be watching his no or little growth for the next months while I'm looking forward to grow to be able to hit him at will. That's going to be fun.
Ok, Wolf you believe him. Ask yourself the questions: - why would he be thrown out of Fate in the first place? He ran his mouth all over CC as a guest. Was thrown out by just a simple admin doing his job. Then the admin got it back in the neck for doing what he had to do. I think that kind of behaviour stinks anywhere, not just on KAW. - why would the clan make him perm farm? If he kept it to 1v1 with Isaac there would be no need. We don't farm people out of habit. We're not that kind of clan - this is the first clan farm I've seen on CA since I'm there. There were plenty witnesses that can vouch he hit Isaac with several accounts. So enough said.
I hope Cyrus knows what he is getting himself into.... Have fun over the next few months support to my friends in Fate