__PERSEPOLIS__ vs. Epic Fate

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIl__CYRUS__lIl, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. so why is cryus crying on behalf of perse over here??

    oh wait.. did i have a typo there?? let me try again.. cyrus is the right spelling...
  2. Myself I was just wondering why Persepolis out the kindness of his heart decided the clan would only be his farm til April 2014. Now wait could he be looking ahead at his next 1vclan or is there school holidays in April
  3. @isaacharlow the noob head, well you had 3 accs on persepolis so he introduced you to two accs to make it a fair 1v1 and 3accs vs 3 accs but you cried for more help and now its the real fun all the way 
  4. It will be more than that Aizun you just need to request it officially here, I can assure you you will get what you asking for 
  5. Your so full of **** I was only attacking you with this acct n then you brought your two butt buddies into it
  6. You kicked him from your clan with a baby guild hansel? Wow how did you do that? Wow you know the mechanism?? Is that y you know how to kick someone with a tinny guild hansel? Wowowo you noobs are all fun you cant imagine how much fun I'm having beating your butts 
  7. Cyrus! U need to get your facts straight on this issue! Isaac only hit with his #2 and persepolis decided to have 3 accts on him! Isaac hasn't even used his #3 yet to hit persepolis! U have no idea wtf u r talking about honey...all I have to say is u chose the wrong side cheers and enjoy the ride!
  8. Beating butts? ive had you pinned ever since u posted this thread. How are beating any one when u cant even sct or assn or steal or att? is there some new way to fight i dont know about?
  9. It's called keyboard warring.
  10. Is his name Cyrus or Cryus???

    Seriously a forum thread for this...good luck to y'all :mrgreen:
  11. Hahaa then Elissa you dont know everything abt this war, he started talking nonsense the same night on his wall and got all his three acc into this, he thought he can have fun draining three accs on one acc (persepolis) but he didnt know that its a short fun for him as three accs will be up on his butt to make it a fair 1v1 = 3 accs vs 3 accs
  12. Bahahahaha!!!
    Epic Fate? noobs?!? youve got to be kidding.
    Stfu cryus and go reset. You've clearly no idea what you're talking about.
    If i were you, id go ahead and apologize now.
    I'm a noob and even I know how amazing Epic is!
  13. Tell some more lies __persepolis__ !!! Elissa saw all hits from you first hand n can vouch for me that I only used my #2 n I guarantee you we both have more people that will believe us than your trouble making ass!!!
  14. So its now Persepolis vs Epic Elite Epic Fate Epic Academy so farm  Thats how they do 1v1 in noob clans, they start with 1v1 cant handle it bring in one clan, again cant handle it bring it another one and it ends up 1 vs 3 or more clans you noob imature kids shouldnt be playing this game leave to adults to play it
  15. Seems like the list of clans u are using for this 1v1 didnt show properlly :

    Persepolis vs Epic Fate
    Persepolis vs Epic Elite
    Persepolis vs Epic_academy
  16. Lmao if u wouldnt have made such a dumb ass thread u might not of had so many epic boots in your ass :lol:
  17. It's ok crimson, seems rules are only Persepolis can use his alts. As if anyone is gonna stand by and watch and alt hit.
  18. Brother you take this too seriously .. Why start trouble with an entire family of clans? Then make this thread? Really? You must be a teenager or someone who was picked on at a younger age so you "act" tough here in this GAME .. I won't attack you first .. Instead I'm going to do the dishes I just dirtied or laundry so i have uniforms for work next week. If this was tw*tter we could find you by #douchebag
  19. Ahahaha go pers you know i always got your back if you need, and sometimes just for the fun of fighting along side a good friend️
  20. Main point of this is Persepolis talked shiiit in our clan and when asked to stop he didn't so was kicked. Then he and two others proceeded to Attk/assass/stl Isaac who was the one who kicked him. And after this proceeded for a short period of time on all isaacs Accts persepolis chose to speak to Isaacs accts clan owners and threaten. Seems to most that he deserves what he gets. Learn not to talk shiiit! Simple as that.